ASPMN ® Membership Benefits ASPMN ® /APS Nursing List Serve Post questions to our membership regarding policies, procedures, etc. that you may find challenging in your practice Pain specialists from across the country respond to these questions by offering suggestions, sharing current practices or directing you to available resources Keep abreast of legislative issues both nationally and locally State Advocacy map on the website Governmental Affairs Advocate Subscription to Pain Management Nursing, a publication of original articles focused on pain management in the area of clinical practice, advocacy, education, administration and research
ASPMN ® Membership Benefits Research grant opportunities Discount on ASPMN ® Textbooks and Educational Materials (ASPMN ® Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing and topic specific CE Modules) Discount from the American Nurses Credentialing Center on the pain management certification exam Discount on registration to continuing education activities at the national conference (approximately 23 contact hours including some pharmaceutical) Networking with colleagues who share your passion Membership Directory Networking and recognition at national conference
ASPMN ® Membership Benefits Join Now! Online at ASPMN ® website: Application (complete & fax to ) Every nurse is a pain management nurse!
ASPMN ® Courses Advanced Pharmacology Certification Preparation Geriatric