File Server Architecture In File Server Architecture, file server can’t process the data but can only pass on the data to the client who can process it.
Client server architecture Here,clients can have any tool like vb, d2k, power builder, as front- end and server can be any RDBMS. Client’s queries are processed by the front-end tool The processed data is passed on by RDBMS to the client through front-end. Here, ODBC plays a major role.
WHAT IS ODBC? ODBC is one of the standards to be satisfied before two databases are connected. It acts as an intermediate between front-end and back- end.
ODBC Acronym for open database connectivity It is one of the standards to be satisfied before two databases are connected. It acts as an intermediate between front-end and back- end.
Features of oracle 8 Data Concurrency provision of data instantaneously to all users, without any waiting time. Data Consistency provision of same data to all users. It allows first user to confirm while other users wait.
Features of oracle 8 Data Integrity checking for Uniqueness / Correctness through master-child Tables. Sql is the language used in oracle for communication Sql uses english-like statements and commands