CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM Contents Fact Sheets and Product Pages Deem Branding Social Media PR Announcements NLA-Deem Webinar #1 Assets NLA-Deem Webinar #2 Assets
Fact Sheets and Product Pages
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM Fact Sheets and Product Pages Deem Car Service for Corporations Fact Sheet and Product PageFact Sheet Product Page Outlines how Deem helps corporations manage their ground transportation programs To be given to your corporate customers Deem Car Service for Operators Fact Sheet and Product PageFact Sheet Product Page Outlines how Deem can help ground transportation operators To be given to your affiliate partners Deem Affiliate Connect Fact Sheet Outlines how Deem helps ground transportation operators manage their affiliate programs To be given to your affiliate partners Deem Fleet Management Fact Sheet Outlines Deem’s back office software To be given to your affiliate partners who do not have back office software
Deem Branding
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM Deem Branding If you need to reference Deem in your marketing s or on your website, please use our branding assets and guidelines. Deem branding guidelines can be found Click here to download all of Deem’s logos/assets. If you have any questions or cannot find the asset you require, please reach out to your Deem account manager.
Social Media
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM Deem’s Social Media Presence Twitter: We on Twitter. We frequently tweet about corporate travel, expense management, and the ground transportation Deem Blog: Check out our extremely active blog at We use our blog to publish industry white papers, guest posts from leading experts, and to show off our employees and Press Releases: We publish all of our press releases here. Please feel free to share them with your customers, affiliates, or on your
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM Sample Facebook Posts and Tweets Sample Facebook Posts: Announcing our partnership: We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Deem, a leading tech company. Deem is powering our new mobile app, which will help our customers quickly and easily make reservations with us. Learn more about Deem here: Revolutionizing chauffeured ground transportation: At GBTA back in July, Deem CEO Patrick Grady wrote a blog post about the ground transportation industry as a whole, and how Deem can help it combat the TNCs: Sample Tweets: Announcing our partnership: We’ve partnered on our new mobile app. Making reservations with us has never been easier. Learn more: Revolutionizing chauffeured ground transportation: Patrick Grady talks about the ground transportation industry and how it will compete with the TNCs:
PR Announcements
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM PR Announcements Please feel free to reference these press releases in your marketing s or on your website. 7/28/15: NLA-Deem PartnershipNLA-Deem Partnership Press release announcing partnership between Deem and the NLA 7/28/15: Deem Partners with Major Ground OperatorsDeem Partners with Major Ground Operators Press release announcing partnerships with EmpireCLS, Music Express, Pure Luxury, Flyte Tyme, and more 9/28/15: Deem Partners with More Major Ground OperatorsDeem Partners with More Major Ground Operators Follow-up press release announcing partnerships with even more major ground operators 9/28/15: Car Service Distribution Partnership with BCD TravelCar Service Distribution Partnership with BCD Travel Press release announcing our ground distribution partnership with BCD Travel 10/2/15: Deem Partners with Carey InternationalDeem Partners with Carey International Press release announcing partnership with Carey International, as well as additional major ground operators. 10/12/15: Deem Partners with Limo Anywhere; Plans Full IntegrationDeem Partners with Limo Anywhere; Plans Full Integration Press release announcing partnership with Carey International, as well as additional major ground operators.
WEBINAR #1 The NLA-Deem Partnership: What It Means For NLA Members
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM NLA-Deem Webinar #1 On September 2 nd, NLA President Gary Buffo and Deem CEO Patrick Grady gave a webinar that explained the partnership in detail. You can watch a full recording of the webinar All questions asked by attendees were answered, and published Please feel free to share these with any of your affiliate partners who were not able to attend the webinar.
WEBINAR #2 The NLA-Deem Partnership: Deep Dive of the App
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO DEEM NLA-Deem Webinar #2 On October 6 th, NLA President Gary Buffo and Deem technologists Adam Kupper and Anson Mah gave a webinar that explained the partnership in detail. You can watch a full recording of the webinar Please feel free to share these with any of your affiliate partners who were not able to attend the webinar.
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