Responding to a Crash Scene Officer Responsibilities – Scene Safety – Rendering aid – Collection of Information
Report Preparation If there are no injuries or towing, a 75-48C report is completed. These crashes are not reported to PennDOT (non-reportable). In addition to date, time, and location, 75-48Cs only require – Driver and/or owner information – Vehicle registration information – Insurance information – Passengers, witnesses, and citations, if applicable. – Diagram and Narrative are only required if crash includes government property, DUI, hazmat, or leaving the scene.
Report Preparation If there are injuries and/or towing, a AA-500 report will be completed. – These crashes are reported to PennDOT (reportable). – The AA-500 is a state form. – They are, at least, 6 pages long. – Each report has a Crash Number and Barcode. – They are carbon copied pages; originals are for PennDOT, copies are for our records.
PAGE 1 Police Agency preparing report. Date/time, location, units, people, work zone, school zone Type of location Principle road Intersecting road Landmarks GPS coordinates Traffic Control Devices Lane Closures
PAGES 2 & 3 Unit information Part played in crash Driver (or pedestrian) information Condition (normal, DUI, etc) Vehicle information Make, model, type, color Direction, movement, position Impact point, damage indicator Gradient and alignment or road
PAGE 4 People information Person Type (Driver, Pedestrian, Passenger, etc) Injury sustained Seat position Safety equipment used Ejection Extrication Paramedics and Hospital
PAGE 5 Crash Information Description Relation to roadway Illumination Weather conditions Road conditions Sequence of Events Possible contributing factors Driver Actions Pedestrian Actions
PAGE 6 Diagram of Scene Officer’s Narrative Witness Information and statements
SUPPLEMENTAL PAGES Additional Information for Motorcycles Pedalcycles Pedestrians Work Zones
ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION DIVISION AID handles crashes involving city/government property. Fatal crashes Crashes with serious injuries Some with a “leaving the scene” vehicle First responding officer will hold the scene until cleared by AID AID conducts follow-up investigations.
DISTRICT OF OCCURRENCE 1.District Control Numbers -auto generated -city uses DC#, state uses Crash Numbers 2. UCR Codes , : non-reportable , : reportable 3. Forwards copies of applicable reports to AID 4. Prepares transmittals for the day. 5. Sends transmittals and original crash reports to Research & Analysis.
AID REPORTS 1.Respond to scene, if needed -see conditions, take measurements, etc 2. Assign control numbers to reports they are handling. 3. Prepare daily transmittals on their reports. 4. Send transmittals, any original reports, copies of forwarded reports to Research & Analysis.
TRANSMITTAL Operators’ names Date of accident Location of accident Time of occurrence DC # Type of report submitted AID control number, if applicable
RESEARCH & ANALYSIS UNIT 1.Receives transmittals and reports from districts and AID daily. 2.Confirm crashes recorded on transmittal correlate with an included report. -if a crash is listed without a report, a message is sent to the district. 3. Confirm report is complete and UCR is correct. 4. Ensure reports that are assigned an AID control number reflect that in INCT.
(more) RESEARCH & ANALYSIS 5. Original 75-48Cs and AA-500s are scanned and indexed onto the website for insurance company access. 6. Carbon copy AA-500s are reviewed for coding. -Information is extracted from each report and organized on a Microsoft Access table. -The table is then converted into a Microsoft Excel sheet and forwarded to the Streets Dept. 7. Original 75-48Cs and carbon copies of AA-500s are mailed to our Records Dept in City Hall. 8. Original AA-500s are mailed to PennDOT daily.
WORKSHEET FOR CODING Information from AA-500: Crash info from page 1 Unit #1 info from page 2 Unit #2 info from page 3 Conditions and Actions from page 5 Many of these boxes have drop down menus for the entry