四校联考作文讲评 By zhanglan. 动词短语的使用 Benefit from the plan you make. Build up your confidence. Get well prepared for the exam Stay up Have a positive attitude.


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Presentation transcript:

四校联考作文讲评 By zhanglan

动词短语的使用 Benefit from the plan you make. Build up your confidence. Get well prepared for the exam Stay up Have a positive attitude towards exams Keep us relaxed relax yourself Avoid suffering from the pressure of exams Make a careful plan for Take the exam too seriously We are supposed to make a suitable paln Attach importance to

定语从句 You will be beneficial from making a plan before exams, which does help you build up your confidence. it’s vital to make sure that you have enough time to sleep, which can help you study better staying up during the exam is not allowed, which has a bad effect on our body. I attach the significance to eat some food containing vitamin, which is good for your health and sleep. We can reduce pressure by jogging after school, listening to light music and eating the food that does good to our bodies, which can lead to a sound sleep.

名词 A good sleep ensures good work. Enough sleep can not be over emphasized. your attitude towards exams should be paid attention to

动名词 Making a good study plan is a good way to reduce pressure. making suitable plans before the exam is beneficial for you to go over what we have learned. Being in a good state of mind is important. Having a good attitude can also contribute to us. Taking exercises could help you relaxed. 名词性从句 Make a plan of how to review what you have learned. what plays an important role in exams is that you should have a good rest.

It 的句型 I think it important to have a good rest. It is a good way of testing how we are getting along with our studies. It is necessary for us to have a good sleep. it’s also a good idea to go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before exams so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams. It’s vital to build up self confidence

倒装句 Only in this way can we avoid suffering from the pressure of exams. There be 句型 There is no need to worry about the results. There is no denying that a good sleep does good to us especially when we are having exams. We cannot emphasize the importance of rest too much Enough sleep can not be over emphasized.

It is known to all of us that we should make good use of time. A reasonable plan, I think, help us a lot. It can clearly make us know what we should do next. So that we won’t feel nervious before we’re taking an important exam. We cannot emphasize the importance of rest too much, having a good rest not only can keep our brain calm but also improve our study energy. In order to get rid of our problem, it is a good way to you. I hope you can get good grades and stay away from those problems. jianhuang

It seems that we are driven by exams and homework like a pupet, but we still can keep balance between rest and study. For example, you can make a preparation for the exam and take it easy, which would make you more confident to meet the challenges. Besides, don’t impose too much stress on yourself, try to make it. In addition, it’s vital to make sure that you have enough time to sleep, which can help you study better. The teachers and classmates are of great help, you can turn to them whenever you are in trouble. Last but not least, your attitude towards exams should be paid attention. As an old saying goes: if you fail, try, try again. And remember, a failure is not the end of the world. Hanquan

As far as I am concerned, every student might be anxious to take an important exam, so you need not worry about it. As long as you make a plan for reviewing before the exam, you can get good grades. Taking exercise can help improve our health and stress. If you can’t get rid of them, maybe you can turn to the teacher. With the help of teachers, you can defeat it as soon as possible. Of course, staying up during the exam is not allowed, which has a bad effect on our body. Last but not least, when you are in exams, you can take a deep breath that can help reduce our pressure. In a word, cheer up, you are able to fight against stress and tireness. gaohuizhen

We students try our best to get better grades so that we are always under much pressure, which cause many problems, so firstly, it is important to build our confidence. Secondly, we should know what we don’t figure out. And then we can make a plan to get rid of them with much enthusiasm. Before taking the exam, we should make a suitable plan to go over the basic knowledge. In addition, having a good state is a key to success. We can reduce pressure by jogging after school, listening to light music and eating the food that does good to our bodies, which can lead to a sound sleep. Last but not the least, do what we should do today, not tomorrow. A good luck to us. shishanshan

You can take measures to solve the problems. There are some suggestions that may help you. Firstly, making suitable plans before the exam is beneficial for you to go over what we have learned. Besides, I think it important to have a good rest. If you feel nervous, you can take a deep breath and take it easy. What’s more, I attach the significance to eat some food containing vitamin, which is good for your health and sleep. Above all, in order to get great grades, you must ensure enough sleeping tiem. So don’t bury yourself badly in your study. Before going to bed, you can go for a walk and adjust yourself to be in a good state. To some degree, in a delighted state of mind, you can take a good exam.thanks, I am looking forward to hearing from you. Wujianan

I once had the same symptoms as you. But with some measures taken, I feel better than before. I hope that they would be helpful to you. To make sure that you can cover all the knowledge you have learned, you had better make a plan that suits you before exams. If you have coveredd all the knowledge, but still feel nervous, I suggest you give yourself encouragement by saying “I can do it ” or something else. It’s vital to build up self confidence. There is no denying that a good sleep does good to us especially when we are having exams. Having enough sleep to ensure that you are in high spirits during exams. Remember, never stay up late for exams or you will be too tired to finish your exams perfectly. I hope all these symptoms will keep away from you. And wish you good luck! caiqiuyu

To tell you the truth, sometimes it is a problem for me to feel anxious before exams, which made me feel nervous. However, I always do some things to help me. Let me tell you, perhaps it will do a great help for you. First, it couldn’t be a good idea to make a proper project about reviewing before exams, second, what plays an important role in exams is that you should have a good rest. The better you sleep, the greater progress you will make. Last, don’t eat too much junk food. With the development of society, junk food can be bought here and there, but as we all know, it will have terrible effects on our health. To make a long story short, as long as you put your heart into exams and relax yourself, I believe your efforts will pay off.

I am also a Senior Three student. I am very sorry that you have had such a tough time. Obviously this is a common problem. I am willing to offer you some suggestions which I do hope can help you in some way. First of all, in my opinion, it is important for us to have a positive attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way can we avoid suffering from the pressure of exams. Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam, therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late, it’s also a good idea to go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before exams so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.