E Tori Zanco School/Education School/Education
The Sumerians believed in a very strict education. They loved to keep records of every thing like their kings, and like how many people are in the city. Most of the children that live there wanted to go to school and learn thing like how to read and write. And they had to be good because if they weren’t they believed that the gods wouldn’t give them good crops and good soil.
School/Education School/Education The Mesopotamians really wanted to go to school. Because the people who went to school and got a good education got a good job and they could get a good amount trade. But the only difference is that we get money and they get crop, cattle, sheep, and plants to eat.
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F Tori Zanco Farming/Agriculture Farming/Agriculture
The is a place in Mesopotamia called the fertile crescent and it has the best soil to grow crop in. That’s because there are two rivers in it called the Tigris and Euphrates river. And every time that they flood they leave behind silt. Silt is a combination of rocks, clay, dirt, and soil.
Farming/Agriculture Farming/Agriculture My topic is similar to today because we also still farm and domesticate animals. We also still today eat fish, meat, eggs, cheese, vegetables, pork, deer and some other foods that the Sumerian ate as well.
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