Handtool Identification Snowcrest Jr. High Mr. Donley
Carpenters (retractable) Knife
Tape Measure
Wood Chisel
Glue Scraper
Scratch Awl Used for scoring wood fibers Used for making an indent for drilling so the drill bit doesn’t wander.
Adjustable Wrench
Tin Snips Used for cutting thin metal
Handplane Jack Plane
Handplane Blockplane
Rubber Mallet
Claw Hammer The size of a hammer is determined by the weight of the head. i.e 20 oz Hammer
Nail Set Used to drive the head of a nail below the surface. Choose a nail set slightly smaller than the head of the nail.
Crosscut Saw Used for cutting across the grain Looking down the saw, the teeth make a V-shape
Back Saw Used for cutting miter joints by hand
Dovetail Marker
Dovetail Saw
Dovetail Saw & Guide
Hack Saw Used for cutting metal
Coping Saw Used for cutting small areas or details, such as corners and circles Like a jig saw
Diagonal Cutting Pliers Used for cutting nails, etc.
Vise Grips
Needle Nose Pliers
Calipers Outside Calipers Used to measure diameter of wood
Try Square
Combination Square
Framing Square or Carpenter Square
Look at the difference Notice how much smaller the try- square is compared to the framing square
Sliding T-Bevel Used for duplicating odd angles
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Slotted/Flat Screwdriver
Portable Belt Sander
Orbital Palm Sander
Sheet Finishing Sander
Cordless Drill
Electric Drill
Hand Boring Jig
Hand Router
Jig Saw
Twist Drill Bit
Spade Wood Bit
Forstner Bit
Multi Spur Bit
Countersink Bit Used to sink the head of a screw flush with the wood
Pneumatic Nailer
Plate/Biscuit Jointer
Reciprocal Saw or Sawzall
Circular Saw
Bar Clamp
Parallel Jaw Clamp
C - Clamp
Iron Used to Pull Dents and dings out of wood.