What Is IEI ? The Institution of Engineers (India), IEI, is a multidisciplinary professional body that encompasses 15 engineering disciplines and gives engineers a global platform from which to share professional interests. Established in 1920, with its headquarters at Kolkatta, IEI has served engineering fraternity for over nine decades. In this period of time it has been inextricably linked with the history of modern-day engineering. In 1935, IEI was incorporated by Royal Charter and remains the only professional body in India to be accorded this honour. Today, its quest for professional excellence has given it a place of pride in almost every prestigious and relevant organization across the globe.
Who does IEI serve To Promote and advance the scientific practice and business of engineering in various disciplines. Professional engineers, academicians,research workers Provides vast array of technical, professional & supporting services to –Government, –Industries –Academic and –Engineering communities operating from 105 centers across the country. What is the IEI mission
Continuous professional development through regular professional programmes in India & abroad Opportunities to update professional knowledge through courses conducted by Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad Chance to participate in interdisciplinary activities in rural development, sustainable development, water management, quality, safety and R & D Rights and privileges of being a Chartered Engineer Participation opportunities in National & international seminars, meets, conferences What can IEI do for You
Yes IEI offers non-formal engineering education programme, successful completion is recognized as equivalent to a degree in engineering or a post graduate diploma leading to a master's degree. Every 60,000 candidates appear for these exams which are held bi-annually in India & abroad. Does IEI offer educational courses?
Benefits & privileges of membership 1. Receive IEI's Journals, technical monographs, papers, conference proceedings for enhancement of knowledge 2. Share your technical knowledge & ideas through these Journals, papers 3. Receive prizes for papers/articles written and published in the Journal as per the IEI Bye-Laws 4. Receive FREE copies of IEI News, GSC Newsletter & Technorama 5. Access web-based professional groups for interaction
Benefits & privileges of membership 6. Access our websites for updates at & for Gujarat State Center: 7. Read our Engineering magazine IEI GSC Weekly online & stay up to date on industry news; get updates on IEI's programs, people, events, videos 8. Access library FREE at State and local centers to expand your professional knowledge 9. Participate freely in various technical activities like weekly lectures, workshops, seminars, conventions and Annual Engineering Congress of IEI and take opportunities to gain /update knowledge & experience
10. Develop business contacts and opportunities, meet new people and gain invaluable opportunities 11. Participate in international conferences 12. Enjoy facilities and benefits from 24 foreign professional bodies with whom IEI has bilateral relationships 13. Act as arbitrators in arbitration matters relating to engineering jobs & services 14. Receive & stay in accommodation available at HQ & centers at concessional rates Benefits & privileges of membership
Like us! Tweet us! Follow official IEIGSC social media on facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn for news from the IEI and the field of engineering worldwide Benefits & privileges of membership Engineering Disciplines *Aerospace Engineering *Agricultural Engineering *Architectural Engineering *Chemical Engineering *Civil Engineering *Computer Engineering *Electrical Engineering *Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering *Environmental Engineering *Marine Engineering *Mechanical Engineering *Metallurgical and Materials Engineering *Mining Engineering *Production Engineering *Textile Engineering
The Institution of Engineers (India), Gujarat State Center, Bhaikaka Bhavan, Near Law Garden, Ahmedabad am to 6 pm Monday--Friday 11 am to 1.30 pm Saturday IEIGSC