The Progressive Presidents fight for the Oval Office From Progressive to Conservative
1. Taft - From Shoe In to Shown Out! Hand picked by TR to become president in 1908 and continue on TR’s agenda (programs) Busted 90 trusts in his 4 year term Problems Conservation – Ballinger/Pinchot Affair led to a loss of trust among his progressive following because he fired a famous progressive conservationist Tariffs – lost support from both conservatives and progressives by passing tariff (Payne-Aldrich) that hurt consumers and business leaders
2. Election of 1912 How Wilson won w/ only 42%! Hint: It became a 3 man race.
3. Teddy Roosevelt (Progressive) – Bull Moose Party New Nationalism Abandonment of laissez faire Federal Trade Commission Minimum wage Child labor ban Workers’ compensation Women’s suffrage Government mediation of labor disputes
4. William Howard Taft (R) Quiet Confidence Becomes the conservative representative Gerrymandering plays into his favor, and against TR’s
5. Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) New Freedom Against “Triple Wall of Privilege” Banks Tariff Trusts “Don’t interfere when your enemy is destroying itself.”
6. Results of 1912 Election 6.2 million for Wilson (42%) 4.1 million for Roosevelt 3.4 million for Taft
7. Wilson’s 1st Two Years Lowered tariff Federal Reserve Act Clayton Anti-Trust Act Progressives win big in midterm elections
8. Accomplishments Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 – strengthened Sherman Antitrust Federal Trade Commission – Watchdog of corporations so they wouldn’t abuse the working class. 16 th Amendment – Federal Income Tax; larger incomes taxed at larger rates Federal Reserve System – creates basis, to this day, of the nations’ banking system Was president of the US during WWI
9. Wilson Limits Progressive Goals WWI ends the Progressive Era – US to busy fighting Appointed segregationists to run federal agencies which resulted in a segregated military and federal govt Despite promising to promote anti-lynching laws and equality for Af-Am during his campaign, he had segregation re- instated at the capital once elected and said lynching was a state issue - Wilson and the KKKWilson and the KKK
10. Know: Referendum, initiative, and recall 16, 17, 18 & 19 th Amendments WEB DuBois v. Booker T. Washington NAACP Ballinger v. Pinchot John Muir, conservation, preservation & National Parks