National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) International Degree Students Admissions for Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 Office of International Affairs, National Cheng.


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Presentation transcript:

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) International Degree Students Admissions for Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 Office of International Affairs, National Cheng Kung University 國立成功大學國際事務處提供 (2015 年 1 月 ) 國立成功大學 及 104 學年度國際學位生入學資訊

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Advance NCKU in an Open Learning Environment NCKU Green Building: LEED Platinum certification

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Where we are: Tainan As the origin of history, Tainan City is the oldest city in Taiwan. In 1661 when Jheng Chengkung ( 鄭成功, Koxinga ) recovered Taiwan from the hands of the Dutch, he began his reign in Taiwan from Tainan City…. Established as the capital of Taiwan in 1661 and remained the capital until 1887 (Qing Dynasty) Population: 1,870,000 (great Tainan) First-class historical sites: 8 Southern Taiwan Science Park: 20 km away from city center 1 st Confucius Temple in Taiwan Taipei Hsinchu Tainan NCKU Kaohsiung Science Park Taichung

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 NCKU: National Cheng Kung University  Founded: 1931  Colleges: 9  Departments: 41  Institutes: 37  MS programs: 98  Doctoral programs: 55  Personnel : 6,604 Faculty: 1,464 Staff: 5,140 (including the affiliated hospital ) 2013/12  Enrollment : 21,979 (2013 Fall ) Undergraduate: 11,501 Graduate : 10,478  Area: 187 hectares (461.9 acres) Main campus: 83 hectares (205 acres) An-Nan campus: 73 ha (180.3 acres) Kuei-Jen campus: 26 ha (64.2 acres) Dou-Liu campus: 5 ha (12.4 acres) (100 ha=1 km 2, 1 ha=2.47 acres)

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Brief History 1931 – Founded as “Tainan Technical College” 1946 – “Taiwan Provincial College of Engineering” 1956 – “Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University” 1971 – Renamed as “National Cheng Kung University” NCKU Museum Banyan Garden

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學  41 departments  36 graduate institutes Liberal Arts Management Medicine National Cheng Kung University (9 colleges) Sciences Engineering Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Planning & Design Bioscience& Biotechnology Social Sciences A Comprehensive University ‧ 2011 : Receive NT$1.6 Billion Fund from Ministry of Education’s “Five Year, 50 Billion” Project (the second highest among all universities in Taiwan)

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 NCKU: map of campus (main campus)

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 NCKU is No. 1 in Academia-Industry collaboration in Taiwan. NCKU has ranked the 16 th in 2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities in Asia by Shanghai Jiaotong University. NCKU has ranked the 232 nd according to Times Higher Education- QS World University Rankings in 2014, which was ranked 36 th in Asia. NCKU has ranked the 14 th and 26th in engineering and materials science fields by 2011 Essential Science Indicators (ESI). NCKU has ranked 19 th globally in 2009 Alternative Energy field. Fields Ranking for NCKU

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Fields Ranking for NCKU Essential Science Indicators ( ) Essential Science Indicators ( ) Clinical Medicine Citations/Paper: 1st in Taiwan Engineering Materials Sci Plant & Animal Sci: Citations/Paper: 1st in Taiwan Environment/Ecology: Citations/Paper: 1st in Taiwan Computer Sci Physics Biology/BioChem Chemistry GeoSci General Bio Pharmacology/Toxicology

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Funding from industry/total funding: best in Taiwan Academia-Industry Collaboration Successful Technology Transfer “The findings not only mark a milestone in global healthcare, but also raise the visibility of Taiwan’s academic research.” – Dr. Hwung-Hweng Hwung President of NCKU “The findings not only mark a milestone in global healthcare, but also raise the visibility of Taiwan’s academic research.” – Dr. Hwung-Hweng Hwung President of NCKU NCKU research team led by Professor Ming-Shi Chang (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), has discovered an anti-interleukin-20 (anti-IL-20) antibody, a potential new anti-osteoporosis and anti-rheumatoid arthritis drug, and agrees to license selected intellectual property and transfer certain technology to Novo Nordisk A/S, the second largest pharmaceutical company in Europe, for a total payment of US$ 13.3 million (approx NTD$400 million).

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Arts and Humanity NCKU Art Center NCKU

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 International Partnership- University Level 59 univ./ inst. 6 univ./inst. 25 univ./ inst. 1 univ./ inst. 21 univ./inst. Number of partner universities: 104 (valid/ Jan. 2015) Number of cooperation institutions: 8 (valid/ Jan. 2015) Dual degree programs 8 Exchange student program 68 – for AY2014/15

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 ContinentStudents Asia386 Latin and Central America 67 Europe44 North America23 Africa29 Oceania9 Total558 International Degree-seeking Students (Total: 558 (60)_updated on April 14, 2015)

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 14 International Degree-seeking Students Latin America: 67 ( 國家數 :17 ) Haiti 海地 : 11 Honduras 宏都拉斯 : 8 Belize 貝里斯 : 7 Panama 巴拿馬 : 7 Paraguay 巴拉圭 : 7 El Salvador 薩爾瓦多 : 6 Uruguay 烏拉圭 :5 Guatemala 瓜地馬拉 : 3 Ecuador 厄瓜多 : 2 Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 : 2 St. Lucia 聖露西亞 : 2 St. Vincent and Grenadines 聖文森及格瑞 那丁 : 2 Brazil 巴西 : 1 Chile 智利 :1 Colombia 哥倫比亞 : 1 Dominican Republic 多明尼加共和國 : 1 Mexico 墨西哥 : 1 N. America: 23 ( 國家數 :2 ) America 美國 : 19 Canada 加拿大 : 4 Africa: 29 ( 國家數 :7 ) Burkina Faso 布吉納法索 : 16 Swaziland 史瓦濟蘭 : 5 Gambia 甘比亞 : 2 Kenya 肯亞 : 2 South Sudan 南蘇丹 : 2 奈及利亞 :1 Egypt 埃及 : 1 Europe: 44 ( 國家數 :15 ) France 法國 : 13 Russia 俄羅斯 :13 Germany 德國 : 3 Spain 西班牙 : 3 Ukraine 烏克蘭 :2 Belgium 比利時 :1 Croatia 克羅埃西亞 : 1 England 英國 : 1 Finland 芬蘭 : 1 Hungary 匈牙利 :1 Ireland 愛爾蘭 :1 Italy 義大利 :1 Nederland 荷蘭 : 1 Romania 羅馬尼亞 : 1 Slovenia 斯洛維尼亞 : 1 (Total: 558 (60)_updated on April 14, 2015) Oceania: 9 ( 國家數 :3 ) Tuvalu 吐瓦魯 : 1 Solomon 索羅門群島 : 3 吉里巴斯 :5 Asia: 386 ( 國家數 :16 ) Indonesia 印尼 : 124 Vietnam 越南 : 106 Malaysia 馬來西亞 : 53 India 印度 : 23 Thailand 泰國 : 21 Japan 日本 : 13 Iran 伊朗 : 10 Mongolia 蒙古 : 9 Korea 韓國 : 8 Pilipinas 菲律賓 :8 Iraq 伊拉克 : 3 Bangladesh 孟加拉 : 2 Nepal 尼泊爾 : 2 Singapore 新加坡 : 2 Israel 以色列 : 1 Myanmar 緬甸 :1

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 CollegePhDMasterBachelorTotal 文學院 (Liberal Arts) 理學院 (Science) 工學院 (Engineering) 電機資訊學院 (EECS) 規劃與設計學院 (Planning & Design) 管理學院 (Management) 醫學院 (Medicine) 社會科學院 (Social Sci) 生命科學與科技學院 (Bio) 總計 Distribution - Colleges (Total: 558 (60)_updated on April 14, 2015)

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 NCKU Scholarship Undergraduate 大學生 Top 20%Top 20.01%-40%Note NT$15,000/monthNT$10,000/month Waiver of the basic rate for on-campus accommodation fee. Postgraduate 研究生 Waivers of the tuition fees and course credit fees. Top 60% graduate recipients receive the monthly scholarship. (1)Master: NT$4,000-8,000/month (2)PhD: NT$8,000-15,000/month

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 17 ScholarshipBrief Introduction Department of Mechanical Engineering 1.Each MS/PhD student will get NT$ 4500 per month, totally eight months for the first year. 2.Each MS/PhD student will get US$ 60 application fee refunded after completing all enrollment procedures Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Project RA Scholarship: Research assistance offered by advisor US$ 200 per month. Department of Chemical Engineering At least NTD 8,000 per month will be funded for each foreign graduate student for living expenses, supporting by the Department and corresponding advisor. Departments/Institutes scholarship NCKU Scholarship

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Free Chinese Language Courses 3 hours per week Classes are offered in different levels to suit students’ needs; It is a great opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of Chinese language and culture. NCKU Scholarship 18

4 College of Sciences 理學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Mathematics 數學系 ● ●●● ●● Dept. of Physics 物理學系 ●● Dept. of Chemistry 化學系 ●● Dept. of Earth Sciences 地球科學系 ●● Dept. of Photonics 光電科學與工程學系 ● ●●● ●● Inst. of Space & Plasma Sciences 太空與電漿科學研究所 ●● ●● College of Liberal Arts 文學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Chinese Literature 中國文學系 ●●● Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature 外國語文學系 ●● ● ■ Literature(MA/PhD Program) ■文學組 ( 碩 / 博 ) ●● ■ Linguistics/TESOL (MA/PhD Program) ■ 語言學組 / 語言學與 外語教學組 ( 碩 / 博 ) ●● Dept. of History 歷史學系 ●●● Dept. of Taiwanese Literature 臺灣文學系 ●●● ● ● Inst. of Art Studies 藝術研究所 ● IV.Degree Programs Open to International Students B = Bachelor degree ; M = Master degree ; D = Ph.D degree ; ■ = Sub-special group under one Department/Institute Percentage of English-medium instruction (EMI) courses in a degree program: ● : 100% EMI courses: The number of required and/or elective courses in English is sufficient to meet graduation requirements. ● : >50% EMI courses: The number of required and/or elective courses in English more than 50% of the necessary amount for graduation. ● : <50% EMI courses: The number of required and/or elective courses in English less than 50% of the necessary amount for graduation.

5 College of Engineering 工學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy 能源國際學士學位學程 ● ● The International Curriculum for Advanced Materials Program (iCAMP) 尖端材料國際碩士學位學程 ● ● International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management 自然災害減災及管理國際學位學 程 ●● Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 機械工程學系 ● ●●● ●● Dept. of Chemical Engineering 化學工程學系 ●●● ●● Dept. of Engineering Science 工程科學系 ●●●●●● ■ Electrical Control and Communication ■電機控制與通訊 ●● ●● ■ Information and Application ■資訊與應用 ●● ●● ■ Quantum Computing ■量子電腦 ●● ●● ■ Applied Mechanics ■應用力學 ●● ●● ■ System Integration and Nano Biophotonics ■系統整合與奈米生醫 ●● ●● Dept. of Systems & Naval Mechatronic Engineering 系統及船舶機電工程學系 ●●●●● Dept. of Aeronautics & Astronautics 航空太空工程學系 ●●●● ●● Dept. of Environmental Engineering 環境工程學系 ●●● ●●

6 College of Engineering 工學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Biomedical Engineering 生物醫學工程學系 ●●●● ●● ■ Biomechanics ■生物力學組 ●●●● ■ Bioelectronics ■生醫電子組 ●●●● ■ Biotechnology ■醫學應用組 ●●●● Dept. of Resources Engineering 資源工程學系 ●● ● ●● Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering 材料科學及工程學系 ●●●●●● Nano-Micro Engineering Ph.D. Degree Program of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering 材料科學及工程學系奈微科技博 士班 ●● Dept. of Hydraulic & Ocean Engineering 水利及海洋工程學系 ● ●●● ●● ■ Water Resources Engineering ■水資源工程 ●● ●● ■ Coastal and Ocean Engineering ■海岸海洋工程 ●● ●● Dept. of Civil Engineering 土木工程學系 ●●● ●● ■ A.Structural Engineering ■甲、結構工程組 ●● ●● ■ B. Geotech Engineering ■乙、大地工程組 ●● ●● ■ C. Traffic Engineering ■丙、交通工程組 ●● ●● ■ D. Structures and Materials ■丁、結構材料組 ●● ●● ■ E. Engineering Management ■戊、工程管理組 ●● ●● Dept. of Geomatics 測量及空間資訊學系 ●● ●● Inst. of Ocean Technology & Marine Affairs 海洋科技事務研究所 ●●●●

7 College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 電機資訊學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Electrical Engineering 電機工程學系 ●●● ●● ■ Material Group ■電子材料組 ●● ●● ■ Control Group ■控制組 ●● ●● ■ Power Group ■電力組 ●● ●● ■ VLSI/CAD Group ■ VLSI/CAD 組 ●● ●● ■ Instrument, System and Chip Group ■儀器系統與晶片組 ●● ●● Dept. of Computer Science & Information Engineering 資訊工程學系 ●●● ●●● ■ CSIE(Computer Science and Information Engineering) Group ■資訊工程組 ● ● ■ MI(Medical Informatics) Group ■醫學資訊組 ● ● Inst. of Manufacturing Information & Systems 製造資訊與系統研究所 ●● ●● Inst. of Medical Informatics 醫學資訊研究所 ● ● Inst. of Microelectronics 微電子工程研究所 ●● ●● Inst. of Computer & Communication Engineering 電腦與通信工程研究所 ●● ●● ■ Computer and Network Group ■電腦與網路組 ●● ●● ■ Communication and Network Group ■通訊與網路組 ●● ●● MS Degree Program on Nano-Integrated-Circuit Engineering 奈米積體電路工程碩士學位學程 ●●

8 College of Planning & Design 規劃與設計學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Architecture 建築學系 ●● ● ■ Architectural Design ■建築設計組 ● ■ Design Theory and Computation ■設計理論與運算組 ●● ● ■ Architectural and Environmental Planning ■建築與環境規劃組 ●● ● ■ Architectural History and Conservation ■建築歷史與保存組 ●● ● ■ Architectural Structures ■建築結構組 ●● ● ■ Architectural Engineering ■建築工程組 ●● ● ■ Architectural Environmental Programming and Control ■建築環境計畫與控制組 ●● ● Dept. of Urban Planning 都市計劃學系 ●●● ● Dept. of Industrial Design 工業設計學系 ●●● ■ Strategic Design ■策略設計 ●● ■ Ergonomics & Interaction Design ■人因與互動設計 ●● ■ Collaborative Design ■協同設計 ●● ■ Cognitive and Kansei Experience Design ■認知與感性經驗設計 ●● Inst. of Creative Industries Design 創意產業設計研究所 ●● ■ Brand & Marketing Planning ■品牌與行銷企劃 ●● ■ Media & Interaction Design ■媒體與互動設計 ●● ■ Industry & Service Innovation ■產業與服務創新 ●●

9 College of Management 管理學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Industrial & Information Management 工業與資訊管理學系 ●●● ● ● Inst. of Information Management 資訊管理研究所 ●● ● Dept. of Transportation & Communication Management Science 交通管理科學系 ●●● Inst. of Telecommunications Management 電信管理研究所 ● Dept. of Business Administration (Chinese Program) 企業管理學系 ●●● Inst. of International Business (Chinese Program) 國際企業研究所 ●● Inst. of Finance 財務金融研究所 ● Dept. of Statistics 統計學系 ●● Inst. of International Management 國際經營管理研究所 ●● ●● Inst. of Physical Education, Health and Leisure Studies 體育健康與休閒研究所 ●

10 College of Medicine 醫學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD School of Medicine 醫學系 ● Dept. of Nursing 護理學系 ● ● Dept. of Physical Therapy 物理治療學系 ● ● Dept. of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology 醫學檢驗生物技術學系 ● ● Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 生物化學暨分子生物學研究所 ● Dept. of Physiology 生理學研究所 ● Dept. of Pharmacology 藥理學研究所 ● Dept. of Environmental & Occupational Health 環境醫學研究所 ●● ●● Inst. of Oral Medicine 口腔醫學研究所 ● ● ■ Oral Medicine ■基礎口腔醫學組 ● ● ■ Clinical Dentistry ■臨床口腔醫學組 ●● ■ Medical Device ■醫療器材組 ● ● Inst. of Molecular Medicine 分子醫學研究所 ● ● Inst. of Clinical Medicine 臨床醫學研究所 ●● ●● Dept. of Public Health 公共衛生學研究所 ● ● Inst. of Basic Medical Sciences 基礎醫學研究所 ● ● Inst. of Allied Health Science 健康照護科學研究所 ● ■ Clinical Psychology ■臨床心理組 ● ■ Nursing ■護理組 ● ■ Physical Therapy ■物理治療組 ● ■ Occupational Therapy ■職能治療組 ● Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology 微生物及免疫學研究所 ●

11 College of Social Sciences 社會科學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Political Science 政治學系 ● Dept. of Economics 經濟學系 ●● Dept. of Psychology 心理學系 ●● ● Dept. of Law 法律學系 ●● ■ Group A : Public Law ■公法組 ●● ■ Group B : Civil and Commercial Law ■民商法組 ●● ■ Group C : Criminal Law ■ 刑法組 ●● Inst. of Political Economy 政治經濟研究所 ●● Inst. of Education 教育研究所 ●● College of Bioscience & Biotechnology 生物科學與科技學院 104 秋季班 104 春季班 BMDBMD Dept. of Life Sciences 生命科學系 ● ● ●● ● ● ■ Biomedicine ■生物醫學組 ● ● ● ● ■ Genomics and Biotechnology ■基因體與生物科技組 ● ● ● ● ■ Ecology ■生態組 ● ● ● ● Inst. of Biotechnology 生物科技研究所 ●● ●● Inst. of Bioinformatics & Biosignal Transduction 生物資訊與訊息傳遞研究所 ●● ●● Inst. of Tropical Plant Sciences 熱帶植物科學研究所 ● ●

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 How to apply? For more details about the application process, please refer to our website: Online Application Application Fee: NT $1,600 or US $60 Admission Posted Evaluation Process Departments/ Institutes will contact applicants if an interview is required Register Online Fill in the online application form Submission of Supporting Documents Admission Announcement: Fall Admission: March 20 Spring Admission: November 20 Application Period: Fall Admission: January 10 to March 30 Spring Admission: July 20 to October 10 Pay application fee

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 The highest degree diploma The official transcripts by years A financial statement Two recommendation letters Study plan English(/Chinese) autobiography Proof of Chinese/English language proficiency 28 Required Documents –

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 The highest degree diploma The official transcripts by years A financial statement Two recommendation letters Study plan English(/Chinese) autobiography Proof of Chinese/English language proficiency 29 Required Documents –

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Support for International Students Office of International Affairs (OIA) Heart of internationalization at NCKU Connects the NCKU administration with international students The OIA assists international students in matters such as: Financial support Health insurance Study consultations Information about daily life in NCKU Buddy-Buddy Program” – Each foreign student is assigned with a local student buddy who will welcome the foreign student and help him/her to get used to the NCKU campus life.

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 NCKU Campus Banyan Garden

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Dormitories Every dorm has a dorm manager who will assist students in solving issues in the dorm. Accommodation NCKU provides on-campus accommodations for international students.

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 Student Activities Various student events are held during the semester. Ex. Student Orientation, Buddy-buddy Program, International Hours, International Food Festival, Field Trips.

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 34 Student Activities

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 35 Student Activities

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學 36 (International Degree Student Admission) (National Cheng Kung University) For more information, please contact us or visit our website. Contact info: – for Admission Tel: Fax: Address: 1 University Road, Tainan City, 70101, Taiwan, R.O.C.