The League of Nations When: 1919 after WW1 in the Treaty of Versailles Who: Why: Org to help nations settle disputes peacefully Failed: 1)No armed forces 2)Needed unanimous votes 3)Major countries (US) were not members FOLDABLEFOLDABLE
* = Write notes on ISN p.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Yalta Conference Good relationship. 1.Common enemy= Nazi Germany 2.Stalin needed American loans 3.Roosevelt needed USSR to defeat Japan 4.Roosevelt trusted Stalin
Yalta Conference con’d Oral agreement. Is that a good idea? 1.Agreed (E) Europe would have free elections 2.Germany divided into 4 parts: USA, Britain, France, & USSR 3.Nazis would be punished 4.USSR would join against Japan when Hitler defeated 5.Set up United Nations
United Nations (U.N.) established When: Oct Who: 15 countries (now 192) US, UK, USSR, China, & France have permanent seats/votes *This became a problem when USSR expanded Why: Replaced the League of Nations 1) help each other maintain peace 2) negotiate disputes b/2 nations 3) will use force if necessary to stop aggressive nations FOLDABLEFOLDABLE
Stalin wanted Eastern Europe because….. USSR was devastated (human loss & the land) by 3yrs of war. He wanted & needed a protective barrier (these countries) so any future conflicts would be faught in countries other than the USSR. (His country was attacked from the west in both WWI & WWII)
WWII Ends Germany surrenders August Europe is divided up among the Allies.
Stalin’s Eastern Europe Poland Hungary Romania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia E. Germany Called satellite countries because they “clung closely to the Soviet Union like satellites around a planet.”
What about Yugoslavia & Greece you ask? Yugoslavia People didn’t want to replace Nazis with Stalin. Their leader, Josip Tito a wartime guerrilla leader, won 96% vote. Stalin left them alone. Greece Attempted to takeover Greece, but it failed. This lead to the “Truman Doctrine.”
Controlled by the Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev
So, what happened to cause tension? Stalin did have free elections………but they were rigged. He used his troops who were already in the countries from the war to help the communist win. Ex. Poland 1947 election = 400 of 450 seats were hand-picked communist There were free elections…………….as long as the communist won. Therefore, he did keep his word, through his eyes at least.
“From Stettin in the north to Trieste in the south, an iron curtain has descended over Europe. -Winston Churchill’s speech in Fulton +youtube&FORM=VIRE13#view=detail&mid=67E6FE C0F9F67E6FE C0F9F
How could he do this? The Western Allies just got out of a terrible war. The U.S. and Britain were not prepared to fight him. Stalin’s Red Army was the most powerful land army in the world with far more troops if necessary. Many of the Eastern Europeans countries were grateful to be free from the Nazis. The USSR helped them in …………………the beginning. The Red Army helped control Eastern Europeans under Stalin’s “Sphere of Influence.” -territories that Red Army controlled Eastern Europeans learned quickly not to oppose Stalin because the Secret Police harmed or even killed them if they did. -Stalin’s men who searched for those who opposed communism. Those who did ended up hurt or dead He controlled the press, & didn’t allow people speak freely about the government.
Lets review………….. 1.Identify the conference that an oral agreement was made among FDR, Stalin, & Churchill. 2.Identify the 6 countries that were under Stalin’s control. 3.Identify the 2 countries that he did not control. 4.Who gave the famous “Iron Curtain” speech? 5.Identify 3 ways Stalin maintained control of the Eastern countries. 6.What were the Red Army, Sphere of Influence, & Secret Police?