Jeopardy Hinduism Geography Indian Achievements Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Buddhism
$100 Question for Hinduism In Hinduism, people are placed at four different levels. What are the levels called? Hint : Not the name of each. The name of all of them together.
$100 Answer for Hinduism The levels are called varnas.
$200 Question for Hinduism What is karma?
$200 Answer for Hinduism Karma is the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul.
$300 Question for Hinduism Is Hinduism a polytheistic or a monotheistic religion?
$300 Answer for Hinduism Hinduism is both a monotheistic and a polytheistic faith.
$400 Question for Hinduism Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation. What is reincarnation?
$400 Answer for Hinduism Reincarnation is a Hindu and Buddhist belief that souls are born and reborn many times, each time into a new body.
$500 Question for Hinduism Three Possible Answers – Name one of the 3 Hindu Gods that is considered part of the Holy Trinity.
$500 Answer for Hinduism 1. Brahman (The Creator) 1.Vishnu (The Protector) 2.Shiva (The Destroyer)
$100 Question Buddhism Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
$100 Answer from Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama was a wealthy Hindu who created the Buddhist religion.
$200 Question from Buddhism The Buddha believed that everyone had a chance to reach this goal as long as they followed the Eightfold Path.
$200 Answer from Buddhism The Buddha believed everyone could reach nirvana if they follow the Eightfold Path.
$300 Question from Buddhism Buddhism began in what country?
$300 Answer from Buddhism India
$400 Question from Buddhism Buddhist teachings spread through Asia when an Indian king sent people to teach Buddhist ways to others. These people who work to spread religious beliefs are called what?
$400 Answer from Buddhism Missionaries are people who work to spread religious beliefs.
$500 Question from Buddhism Explain the difference between Theravada Buddhists and Mahayana Buddhists.
$500 Answer from Buddhism Theravada Buddhists follow and study the teachings of the original Buddha. Mahayana Buddhists have adapted his teachings to better suite their lives and, in some cases, make nirvana easier to reach.
$100 Question from Indian Geography India is located on what continent?
$100 Answer from Indian Geography India is located in Asia.
$200 Question from Indian Geography Name the mountain range that runs along the northern border Of India.
$200 Answer from Indian Geography The Himalayan Mountains run along the northern border of India.
$300 Question from Indian Geography Give two reasons why India is considered a subcontinent.
$300 Answer from Indian Geography India is a subcontinent because of its size and because of the fact that it’s separated from the rest of Asia by a mountain range.
$400 Question from Indian Geography What river allowed the Indian civilization to exist?
$400 Answer from Indian Geography The Indus River made the Indian civilization possible.
$500 Question from Indian Geography Why was it a good thing for the Indus to flood?
$500 Answer from Indian Geography The flooding of the Indus was a good thing because floods would leave behind a rich soil called silt, which would allow farms to grow a surplus of crops.
$100 Question from Indian Achievements What is the science of working with metals called?
$100 Answer from Indian Achievements The science is called metallurgy.
$200 Question from Indian Achievements We have the Indians to thank for our number system. What is this number system called?
$200 Answer from Indian Achievements The numbers are called Hindu- Arabic numerals.
$300 Question from Indian Achievements When Indians worked with metals, they were able to mix multiple metals together which are called what?
$300 Answer from Indian Achievements Alloys are what are created when metals are mixed.
$400 Question from Indian Achievements When talking about Indian understanding of astronomy, what were they able to predict?
$400 Answer from Indian Achievements Because of their understanding of astronomy, Indians were able to predict eclipses.
$500 Question from Indian Achievements What is inoculation?
$500 Answer from Indian Achievements Inoculation is injecting a person with a small dose of a virus to help build up defenses to a disease.
$100 Question from Potpourri Shah Jahan built this tomb in Agra, India for his favorite wife.
$100 Answer from Potpourri Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal for his favorite wife.
$200 Question from Potpourri Why did Buddhism grow in popularity amongst the members of the lower Varnas in India?
$200 Answer from Potpourri Buddhism became popular with those of the lower varnas because it got rid of the caste system, which is the main reason for their suffering.
$300 Question from Potpourri What does it mean to fast?
$300 Answer from Potpourri Fasting means going without food and possible water for a period of time.
$400 Question from Potpourri Hindus consider a certain animal sacred and don’t eat it. What animal do they find sacred?
$400 Answer from Potpourri Hindus consider cows sacred.
$500 Question from Potpourri Why is it that we know more about the Aryans than the Harappans?
$500 Answer from Potpourri We know more about the Aryans than the Harappans because we are able to read Sanskrit, the language of the Aryans. We are unable to read the writings of the Harappans, which makes it difficult to know for sure how they lived.
Final Jeopardy Over time, the Indus River Valley became ideal for farming. Place the following events in order that led to people settling in this part of the world. A.Himalayan snows melted. B.Flood waters left behind silt. C.Heavy snow fell in the Himalayas. D.The Indus River flooded.
Final Jeopardy Answer 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B