Welcome! Introduction to Biochemical Engineering (CHE 461.3/861.3) Instructor Dr. C. Niu Chemical Engineering
Research Area Biosorption: Use biomaterials to adsorb inorganic (metals) or organic compounds from liquid phase Biomaterials:microorganism, food waste, agricultural waste and so on.
Barley straw: (picture courtesy to millions tons per year produced in the world.
Wheat straw: (picture courtesy to millions tons per year produced in the world.
Ucide cordatus
Crab Cake Steamed Crab
Treated crab shells able to adsorb gold from aqueous solution! 40mg Au/g
Batch Fermenter Biofuel (ethanol) Purification
Challenges In all bioprocesses: Improve the productivity Reduce the process cost
Processes in Biotechnology Genetically Engineering The breakthrough makes it possible to develop effective bioprocess to produce the products desired for our society.
Demands for Engineers Convert these visions of biologists to reality: Develop commercial bio-product to benefit our society. Biochemical Engineering with a potential to become one of the leading fields in chemical engineering.
Course Objectives To provide a general understanding of the basic concepts of - microbiology - biochemistry and genetics To apply chemical engineering principles to - bioreactor analysis - downstream processing and bioprocess optimization and control.
ChE 461ChE 861 Assignments (4)10 Quizzes (1-2)10 Survey5- Term project-10 Midterm2520 Final exam50 Total Mark100 Marking Scheme Disclaimer: Students should be aware of and follow the new University of Saskatchewan Academic Honesty/Dishonesty definitions, rules and procedures, and the Guidelines for Student Appeals in Academic Matters that are available on the web at
Notes on the class website Check regularly the class website! Text: Shuler, M.L. and Kargi, F. Bioprocess Engineering, Basic Concepts. Second edition Prentice-Hall Inc. (on reserve in the Engineering Library) Office hours: , or drop by my office
Introduction of Biochemical Engineering What is Biochemical Engineering?
Definitions Biochemical engineering: it has usually meant the extension of chemical engineering principles to systems using a biological catalyst to bring about desired chemical transformations.
Definitions Biotechnology - Traditionally, implies the use or development of methods of direct genetic manipulation for a socially desirable product. - Broadly, “Commercial techniques that use living organisms, or substances from those organism, to make or modify a product…” (Congress of the United States, 1984)
Definitions Fermentation -Traditionally, defined as the process for the production of alcohol or lactic acid from glucose. -Broadly, defined as “an enzymatically controlled transformation of organic compound” (Webster’s New College Dictionary)
Typical Bioprocess Stock culture Shake flask Seed fermenter Raw materials Medium formulation Sterilization Computer control Production fermenter Air Recovery Purification Products Effluent treatment Microbiology, biochemistry Chemical, engineering Microorganism cell preparation Medium preparation
Batch Fermenter
Biochemical Engineering History 5000 to 10,000 BC: yogurt, cheese and soy products, wine and beer. In early 20th century: pure bakers yeast were being produced in tanks and sold. In world war I: fermentation was used to produce chemicals needed for war. World War II: antibiotics production became on the commercial scale. 1970s: recombinant DNA technology
Canadian Innovative Biotech Companies According to the survey of Statistics Canada every two year: 532 innovative biotechnology firms in Canada in % increase from 496 in Canada in % increase from 375 in % increase from 282 firms in 1997.
Distribution of Biotech Companies
Biotech company search
Regulation and organization In pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, Primary concern: to produce a product of consistently high quality in amounts to satisfy the medical needs of the population. Secondary concern: to reduce the manufacturing cost. A future biochemical engineer needs to understand the regulatory climate in which many bioprocess engineers work. U. S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its equivalents in other countries