Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page The year is 2099 and your group of excavators must “dig up” any important information about POLYGONS. This essential information has been buried by a natural disaster called the POLYGONGUS hurricane. The future of all geometric needs relies on your team of experts. Scientists, mathematicians, architects and many more require your skills to further their knowledge And keep the world evolving. GOOD LUCK !
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page Excavators must work in groups of four. Each person will have a specific task as part of the excavating team. The group members’ specific strengths will be utilized for each individual task. Adhere to the table below for job requirements. “DIG” as hard as you can until you find your objective for the mission. ExcavatorMission GOOD LUCKGOOD LUCK #1 Team Leader #2 Research Parallel Sides #3 Research Vertices #4 Research Angle Sums All excavators must report their findings back to the team leader. The leader will start organizing the geometrical information into a PowerPoint presentation that the world will be briefed on.
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page The Team leader (excavator 1) will decide what are the most frequent polygons that the world uses on a daily basis. The group will narrow it down to the five most important geometrical polygons. The team leader is also required to determine perimeter and area of the polygons that are chosen. Excavator #2 will research the topic “parallel sides”. This team member might discover what parallel lines are, which polygons have parallel sides and what parallel sides mean to architects. Excavator #3 will research the topic “vertices”. This team member may uncover the truth about finding missing vertices in given polygons. Will they find that certain polygons have the same degree amounts? Excavator 3 must also find any algorithms that will help find missing angles. Excavator #4 will research the topic “angle sums”. This team member must research possible ways to find the total angle sums of the 5 polygons that the group chooses. Click here for more DETAILS
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page Here is the rubric of how the excavators will be evaluated after their journey. (5)(4)(3)(2)(1)(0) Research Completed on time Information Relevant Neatness of Report Researched all 5 shapes Cooperation in group Click here for computer presentation rubric 5= Everything Perfect 4= one or two minor mistakes 3= three to five errors that should be fixed 2= Many, many mistakes (come see me for help) 1= Minimal effort showed 0= Incomplete
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page Congratulations, you and your group of excavators dug up the most important information about POLYGONS. This essential information has been saved by you and your colleagues. The wrath of the POLYGONGUS hurricane has not ruined your world. Your team of experts including scientists, mathematicians, architects have kept the world evolving. Thank You !
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page Thanks to Mr. Michalczyk and Mr. Jost for making this experience possible. with any This project can be used as a non-profit educational tool. It can be edited on your own as long as the proper people are accredited with the idea and creation of it.
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page Objectives: The class will use a teacher made WebQuest to discover important information about geometric polygons. Students will work in groups of four to create a Geometric presentation at the end of their research. The class will display a PowerPoint presentation in front of their peers. The project works best with four people. It can work with more if the tasks are split up. This will work if one task becomes too overwhelming for someone.
Each team must complete their individual mission. This includes researching their specific topic on all FIVE polygons chosen by the group. Each excavator will also be responsible for relaying that information to the team leader within one week. The leader is responsible of organizing all material that is collected. The leader also is the hands-on creator of the PowerPoint presentation with the aid of the other members. All members must also present part of the final PowerPoint presentation to the class. The presentation will have pictures, color and animation. The group will have a grade as a whole, along with each team member being graded for their specific topic. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page Click here for WEBSITES
Get Digging Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page Classify Triangles and Quadrilaterals (2.9.5 b) ANGLES IN A TRIANGLE, RIGHT TRIANGLES Education World ® Lesson Planning Triangles Are Not Bad! http-- CLASSIFYING Lesson Exchange Quadrilaterals! (Elementary, Mathematics) Math Magic - Squares And Rectangles Math Magic - Triangles Polygons - Quadrilaterals - First Glance Polygons - Triangles - First Glance Quadrilateral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Quadrilaterals Similar Triangles movie The Quadrilateral Family Geometric Definitions (Standard 2.9.5a) Angle and Parallel Lines Basic Terms Geometry Congruent Figures and Triangles Figures and polygons LIST Shape Surveyor Geometry Game Hidden Polygon Activity Lesson Exchange Geo-Mat (Elementary, Mathematics) Lesson Exchange Polygon Mobiles (Middle, Mathematics) General Polygons & Geometry sites
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page (5)(4)(3)(2)(1)(0) PRESENATION was on time Spoke Loud Organization of Material Presented all 5 shapes Pictures, Various Colors, Animation Click here for research presentation rubric 5= Everything Perfect 4= one or two minor mistakes 3= three to five errors that should be fixed 2= Many, many mistakes (come see me for help) 1= Minimal effort showed 0= Incomplete Here is the rubric of how the excavators will be evaluated after their journey.