More Geometry
Some common shapes You see these shapes in many places.
Which shape has 5 sides? Square Pentagon Hexagon Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
Which shape has 8 sides? Octagon Triangle Hexagon Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
Which shape has 0 sides? Triangle Rectangle Circle Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
How many corners does this shape have? 3 4 5 Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
How many sides does this shape have? 7 8 9 Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
How many sides does this shape have? 3 6 8 Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
How many corners does this shape have? 3 6 8 Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
Which shape has BOTH flat and curved sides? Sphere Cylinder Cube Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
Which shape has ONLY flat sides? Sphere Cylinder Cube Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.
Which shape has ONLY curved sides? Sphere Cylinder Cube Mouse House Send your mouse home until the teacher calls on you.