MEPRS 2010 From Source to Resource: Data Quality Solutions for Today's MEPRS Challenges 26 – 29 July Lansdowne, VA Briefing: EASIV Repository Speaker: Mr. Keith Andre Date: 28 July 2010 Time:1530 – 1730
Overview Introduction to Business Objects Exercise 1: Workload Summary Exercise 2: Expense Summary Exercise 3: Negative YTD Expenses Exercise 4: Business Plan FTE Validation Exercise 5: Brain Teaser: Pharmacy Conclusion: Q/A Session 2
Objectives After completing the lesson objectives, the participants will be able to: Given specific scenarios, build and execute EAS IV Repository queries. Export data into Microsoft Excel and analyze data using formulas, pivot tables, and conditional formatting. Understand how MEPRS data is used to create resource management studies, such as mid-year review of pharmaceutical data, contract expenses, and marginal costs. 3
EASIV Repository Access Website: UI/Login?org=cac_pki&authlevel= 3&goto=https%3A%2F%2Feascr.c jects%2Fenterprise115%2Fdeskto plaunch%2Fdefault.htm 4
Read and Accept DoD Warning Statement 5
Enter User Name& Password 6
Select Universe > Begin 7
Set as Default > Finish 8
Query Design Panel: 3 Parts
Part 1: Classes and Objects 10 Classes – 25 logical groupings of specific data elements or “ Objects ” Only certain Classes of information may be combined Queries are constructed by selecting Objects from valid Class combinations 1
Primary & Compatible Classes 11 Y indicates primary Class of data (always select from this Class first) X indicates compatible Classes (Only combine compatible Classes of data) EAS IV Repository Quick Reference Guide Classes Principal ClassContext Load StatusXY 06Expense DetailX XXXY X 07Personnel DetailX XXX Y X 09Expense AllocatedX XXX XY X 10Personnel AllocatedX XXX X YX 11Account Subset Definition XX Y 12Service Unit Cost DetailX XX XY 13Patient AcuityX XX X Y 14DRG Cost FCCX XX X Y 15Data SetsX XX X Y 16Expense PureX X Y 17Ambulatory CPT WorkloadX XX X Y 18Ancillary CPT WorkloadX XX X Y 19Respiratory Therapy/ Pulmonary FunctionX XX X Y 20FCC Expense SummaryX XX X Y 21FCC SummaryX XX X Y 22Facility SummaryX X Y 23Transmission JobX X Y 25Ambulatory Summary (No CPT) Y Context are associated with each Class that can be used as the principle Class in a multi-Class query. The Y in the chart indicates the principle Class. When constructing a query, objects from the principle Class must be chosen before other objects from a different Class are chosen. The X in the chart is for a Class which can be used with the principle Class. Some Classes cannot be the principle Classes in a query, such as Class 1. The objects in Class 24 can only be used in a single Class query.
Part 2: Select Result Objects 12 Click and drag, or double-click 2 Remember: If combining Classes, use Matrix and select Objects from Primary Class first
Part 3: Conditions 13 Click and drag 3 Object: Fiscal Year Operator: Equal To Operand: 2009 Object: Parent DMIS ID Operator: Equal To Operand: xxxx (enter your Parent DMIS ID)
Query Results 14
Format: Insert Title and Change Number to Currency 15
Add Variable: Personnel Expense Ratio 16
MEPRS 2010 From Source to Resource: Data Quality Solutions for Today's MEPRS Challenges 26 – 29 July Lansdowne, VA Hands-on Exercises
18 Exercise 1 Workload Summary
Exercise 1: Workload Summary 19 Produce a report summarizing clinic workload by 4 th Level FCC, by fiscal month, for FY08- FY10, for each MTF in your MAJCOM. Include Objects: Total Visits, Admissions, Ancillary Procs Count, Ancillary Wgt Procs, Dental Wgt Proc, and Dispositions. Use Class 21 as the Primary Class. Use Class 1 for your MAJCOM, DMIS Name, and Installation Name. Copy Results into Excel.
Exercise 1: Query Design 20
Exercise 1: Query Design 21
Exercise 1: Query Results 22
Exercise 1: Open Slice & Dice 23
Exercise 1: Open Slice & Dice 24 Click on PDMIS 3 2 Click on Filter 1 Select 2 PDMIS IDs & click OK
Exercise 1: Continue Slice & Dice 25 Click on PDMIS Click/drag the following from the Block Structure to the Available Variables (on left): -4 th level FCC -Installation Name -MAJCOM -PDMIS -Ancillary (x2) -Dental
Exercise 1: Continue Slice & Dice 26
Exercise 1: Results 27
Exercise 1: Results Enlarged 28
Exercise 1: Copy Results 29
Exercise 1: Open Excel and Paste Results 30
Exercise 1: Delete Row 1 – Header Information 31
Exercise 1: Insert Pivot Table 32
Exercise 1: Create Pivot Table Layout 33 Click, Drag & Drop
Exercise 1: Create Pivot Table Layout 34 Click, Drag & Drop Close Up View
Exercise 1: View Your MTF Data 35 Select your DMIS Name and FY2008 Collapse All FCCs to hide detail Double-click on Column Headers and change summarized data from “Count” to “Sum” Deselect FCCs that don’t have data by clicking on the 4 th Level FCC dropdown arrow
Exercise 1: View Your MTF Data 36
37 Exercise 2 Expense Summary
Exercise 2: Expense Summary 38 Produce a report listing summarizing clinic expenses by 4 th Level FCC, by fiscal month, for FY07 and FY08, for each MTF in your MAJCOM. Include Objects: Total Visits, Direct Expense, Purified Expense, Stepdown Expense Contributed, Stepdown Expense From D, and Stepdown Expense From E. Use Class 21 as the Primary Class. Use Class 1 for your MAJCOM and Parent DMIS. Copy Results into Excel.
Exercise 2: Query Design 39
Exercise 2: Query Results 40
Exercise 2: Copy Results 41
Exercise 2: Paste into Excel and Delete Header Row 42
Exercise 2: Highlight Column J and Insert New Column 43
Exercise 2: Calculate Total Expense 44 Name Column J Total Expense Enter formula in cell J2: =sum(E2:I2)
Exercise 2: Replicate Formula for all Rows 45 Click on cell J2 result While J2 selected, double-click on bottom-left corner of selected cell (small box) to replicate
Exercise 2: Results 46
Exercise 2: Conditional Formatting 47 Cell A2; select View Menu and Freeze Panes Hide Column G, Exp Contributed (Highlight, then Right Click, select Hide) Highlight entire Table Array, select Home Menu, Conditional Formatting, Cell Value is less than zero… format with red fill
Exercise 2: Net-Month Negatives are BAD!! 48
49 Exercise 3 Negative YTD Expenses
Exercise 3: Negative YTD Expenses 50 Using Class 16, select FY, FM, 4 th Level FCC, SUEE, RCCC, and Expense YTD. Using Class 1 select MAJCOM, PDMIS ID and PDMIS Name. Condition = FY equal to Expense YTD less than 0. MAJCOM = AETC… or anyone you’d like.
Exercise 3: Query Design 51 Try this design on your own…
Exercise 3: Query Design 52
Exercise 3: Results 53
Exercise 3: Copy Results into Excel and Delete Header Row 54
Exercise 3: Create Pivot Table 55 Try creating the Pivot Table on your own…
Exercise 3: Pivot Table Results 56
Exercise 3: Pivot Table Notes 57 Remove Column Subtotals… can’t add subtotal monthly YTD expenses. Right-click on each column and select Field Settings > Subtotals > None. MEPRS Manager needs to correct these in EASIV.
58 Exercise 4 Business Plan FTE Validation Pull FY08 available FTEs for Skill Type 1 & 2 providers
Exercise 4: CRIS Design 59
Exercise 4: CRIS Results 60
Exercise 4: Copy/Paste into Excel 61
62 Exercise 5 Brain Teaser… Show FY08 volume and percentage of scripts by 3 rd letter MEPRS code for DMIS 0120 (use Repository only)
Exercise 5: Design Criteria Hints Use Class Do not use Fiscal Month. 3. Use DMIS Data Set ID = DAAA/ Use Slice/Dice formatting options.
Exercise 5: Design 64
Exercise 5: Results 65
Exercise 5: Extra Credit 66 Question: Using DMIS 0120, what is the volume and percentage of scripts from external providers? (Hint: External = MEPRS Code FC%)
Exercise 5: Extra Credit 67 Answer: FCCRaw = 151, % Wgt = 151, % FCDRaw = 32,2035.2% Wgt = 31, %
We’re Here to Help 68 Air Staff MTF’s Initial support contact is the Gunter Support Desk AFMOA Gunter Support Desk All technical and Functional support Issues should initiate at the Gunter Support Desk GUNTER.AF.MIL Gunter will contact AFMOA on all pertinent issues AFMOA will consult with Air Staff on all policy issues
69 NameMAJCOMPhone DSN (969) Keith AndreAFGS, Dave CollinsAFMC, AFSPC, USAFE, PACAF Paulette Richards AFGS, Dawn SimmonsAETC, AFDW, AMC, AFSOC, USAFA Sheri WeisAETC, AFDW, AMC, AFSOC, USAFA TSgt Jeff Zukowski AFMC, AFSPC, USAFE, PACAF
Questions 70 MEPRS Personnel Workload Financial UBO Other Health Insurance Eligibility Demographics Coding SIDR/SADR MSDRG/RWP RVU/CPT Patient & Provider Data Quality