Agenda of SSA Head Meeting to be held on at Conference Hall. Enterprises Business Team Circle Office, Haryana
Gold offices achievement in r/o Sales Funnel : Name of SSA Target given Rs. (In Cr.) Achievement up to 31 st March Rs. (In Cr.) Overall %age achievement Targets for FY (In Cr.) Achievement against the Target up to April, 2011 (In Cr.) Gurgaon % Faridabad % Ambala % OthersNil Total 22 Cr. (HO Target) %80 Cr Cr. We have received appreciation letter from director (Ent) for achieving target during & SSA heads of gold offices to ensure that targets as above are achieved
New Gold account Penetration (Customers) : Sr. No.SSA Target of New Gold Account (Customers penetration) Achievement % Achievement Target for FY Ambala Faridabad Gurgaon Hisar 3Nil 2 5. Jind Nil 2 6. Karnal 3Nil 2 7. Rohtak 3Nil 2 8. Rewari 2Nil 2 9. Sonepat 2Nil Total (10 -HQ Target) We have achieved target for & SSA Heads may ensure that targets as above are achieved
Achievements of EB Targets distributed to SSAs: Sr. No.SSAs Target for FY (In Cr.) Achievement (In Cr.) % achievement Target for FY (In Cr.) 1.Ambala Faridabad Gurgaon Hisar Jind Karnal Rewari Rohtak Sonepat Total SSA Heads should ensure that targets as above are achieved
Categorized Enterprise Customers: There are 1225 Enterprise customers in Haryana Circle. It is requested to make repetitive visits for getting more and more business through them. SSA Head should visit one gold customer every week. DGM should meet two gold customers per week. DET /SDO four customers gold/silver per week. SDO/JTO should visit two institutes per week. SSA GoldSilverInstitutesTotal Ambala Faridabad Gurgaon Hisar Jind Karnal Rewari Rohtak Sonepat Total
Status of “Project Tarang” (Services provided to Income Tax Department) : Sr. No. SSANo. of Landline connections to be migrated under “Project Tarang”. Total commissioned No. of BB connections to be provided/migrated under “Project Tarang”. (on Residence LL Numbers only) BB Provided Till Date 1.Ambala13 (Incl. 1 NTC) Faridabad25 (Incl. 2 NTC) Gurgaon17 (Incl. 5 NTC) Hisar Jind Karnal37(Incl. 3 NTC) Rohtak26 (Incl. 1 NTC) Rewari Sonepat5500 Total The connections as above in Gurgaon shall be provided by The changes may be got done in COSS to ensure early commissioning.
Status of Implementation of BB Connectivity to 1306 Government Senior Secondary Schools: SSATargetLL ProvidedBB ProvidedPending BB Connections Ambala (14 TNF) Faridabad (20 TNF) Gurgaon (40 TNF) Hisar (36 TNF) Jind Karnal Rewari (29 TNF) Rohtak (152 TNF) Sonepat Total It should be ensured that landline connection should only be provided if broadband Is technically feasible. In case landline/BB is nonfeasible,the alternative feasible product may be intimated By so that the same can be offered to MD Secondary education
Status of Implementation of BB Connectivity to 213 Schools Everonne Project: SSATargetLL ProvidedBB ProvidedPending BB Connections Ambala Faridabad Gurgaon Hisar Jind13 0 Karnal Rewari23 0 Rohtak due to TNF Sonepat10991 Total In case landline/BB is nonfeasible,the alternative feasible product may be intimated By so that the same can be offered to Everonne
Free EPABX Installed in Haryana Telecom Circle: Sr. No.Name of SSANo. of Free EPABX installed No. of EPABX lines installed Target for FY No. of EPABX lines 1AB GRG FBD SPT KRL HSR RTK RWR JDNIL Total SSA Heads should ensure that targets as above are achieved
Pending Points from SSAs. HPGC Yamuna Nagar Exchange: HPGC wants to install Exchange at the Power plant and residential colony. Ambala SSA has been nomiated as nodal SSA for execution of the same, the same work is still pending & customer has already deposited the payment for work.This will give us business of about 500 landline at present &500 broadband connections in future.( Ambala SSA) HMT Pinjore: Internal Communication is to be setup at HMT Pinjore plant. The issue is pending since long. SSA may settle issue at the earliest.(Ambala SSA) HPGC Datacards speed issue: 35 data cards( 2G) with unlimited plan issued to Haryana Power Generation Corporation as approved by BSNL Head Office. The customer complains that there is very low speed & network connectivity is very poor.The issue need to be resolved.(Ambala SSA may persue with mobile section as we have already taken up issue with them) HPGC Panipat WAN connectivity: Work order for implementation of WAN was issued on 13/08/2009 by this office & Karnal SSA was nominated as nodal SSA for implementation of the same. 512 KBPs MPLS VPN connectivity was to be given to Khedar.This needed to be provided at the earliest.( Hissar SSA) MD secondary education No bill has been issued till date though more than 800 landline & 750 broadband connections has been provided till date. Hissar SSA may ensure issue of bill at the earliest.( Hissar SSA)
Approved Businesses from this office: Sr. No. SSAsNo. of Businesses approved Revenue Generated (In Cr.) No. of Approvals in Revenue Generated (In Cr.) 1Ambala Faridabad Gurgaon Hisar Jind Karnal Rewari Rohtak Sonepat Circle Office Total
Thank You