Learning Deeply ErikaNielsen Andrew Chief Academic Officer Paul Teske Engagment Manager
4 What do you notice about the feedback? What would it take for us to learn like this as colleagues?
Teaching like a professional: constantly trying to improve practice and working with all the collective might and ingenuity of a professional community
Challenges we set out to solve… Limited collaboration time Isolation Limited feedback Shift from demonstration- oriented PD to action-oriented, applied professional learning PD often lacks an evidence-base
? Agenda Inquiry: How deep was our learning? Process: Warm up Sign up or Sign on Learn something new Analyze our learning Debrief
step ONE Join Teaching Channel
1. Go to… teachingchannel.org 2. Then click… Sign Up (first time) Sign In (returning) 3. Register with… District
1. For IOS go to… App store Download Tch Recorder 2. For android go to… Google play store Download Tch Recorder
step TWO
12 Learn something new.
How do you speed stack as well as Matt? (proficiently)
1. Watch the video; analyze how to stack 3. Video a teammate 4. Provide timestamp feedback-- specific and actionable 2. Review the rubric and practice
Your goal? proficiency
1. Watch the video; analyze how to stack 3. Video a teammate 4. Provide timestamp feedback-- specific and actionable 2. Practice and review the rubric
step THREE analyze your learning
Theory of Professional Learning. Which did you just experience? Analyze your process
Analyze and Seek Feedback critically examine the video to identify strengths and areas for improvement connect observations, reasoning and conclusions to evidence of student learning that is visible in the videos give and seek collegial feedback to increase effectiveness analyze student work using tools that detect evidence of understanding and quality relative to the vision of success note patterns in the student work and check your hypothesis about how the teaching influenced student results reflect and synthesize all feedback and determine how to revise or add to repertoire Evidence: Notes, highlighted rubric, student exemplars, student work analysis, reflection notes Practice and Gather Evidence test and practice a teaching move or strategy multiple times in your classroom revise the move or strategy based on student needs while practicing video the move or strategy gather student work based on vision of success Evidence: Video of self, student work, observation or reflection notes Translate and Adapt transfer or adapt these moves or strategies for your classroom or grade level/subject area, and create a plan or experiment to try; hypothesize collaborate around a lesson to try it out specify what success looks like for students Evidence: Lesson plans or tools Watch and Analyze watch a video or read an article to provide a picture or “model” of what is possible investigate and deconstruct a practice to determine particular teaching moves or strategies examine and discuss the impact of these teaching moves and strategies on student learning observe student comments and behaviors closely and practice interpreting their thinking Evidence: Annotated notes Gather and Focus gather videos and other resources related to a goal, interest, need or inspiration Evidence: Videos, lesson plans, tools, articles Theory of Professional Learning Purpose OR Problem/Puzzle of Practice
? In what ways did you experience deep learning
Read it and find evidence in our activity Pick a competency Think ? ? ? ! ! ! !
23 Deep Learning Progressions CHARACTER Learning to deep learn, armed with the essential character traits of grit, tenacity, perseverance, and resilience; and the ability to make learning an integral part of living. CREATIVITY Having an ‘entrepreneurial eye’ for economic and social opportunities, asking the right inquiry questions to generate novel ideas, and leadership to pursue those ideas and turn them into action. COMMUNICATION Communicating effectively with a variety of styles, modes, and tools (including digital tools), tailored for a range of audiences. CITIZENSHIP Thinking like global citizens, considering global issues based on a deep understanding of diverse values and worldviews, and with a genuine interest and ability to solve ambiguous and complex real ‐ world problems that impact human and environmental sustainability. COLLABORATION Work interdependently and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and team ‐ related skills including effective management of team dynamics and challenges, making substantive decisions together, and learning from and contributing to the learning of others. CRITICAL THINKING Critically evaluating information and arguments, seeing patterns and connections, constructing meaningful knowledge, and applying it in the real world.