1 The Protocol on Water and Health TASK FORCE ON PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN DECISION-MAKING October 2010, Geneva, Switzerland Tomasz Juszczak, UNECE The Protocol on Water and Health, as a tool for access to information and public participation in water and health related issues
2 The Protocol on Water and Health. Status of ratification Signatories Parties In ratification Adopted in 1999 by 36 countries Entered into force in 2005 Currently ratified by 24 countries
3 The Protocol on Water and Health Goal: Protect human health and well being by better management of water resources Parties shall: Within 2 years set and publishes targets, and dates to achieve them, in the areas covering the entire water cycle (Art.6.1) Make appropriate practical and/or other provisions for public participation, within a transparent and fair framework, and ensure that due account is taken of the outcome of the public participation (Art. 6 (2)) Make appropriate arrangements for public involvement in the review of compliance (Art.15)
4 The Protocol on Water and Health Context & rationale for cooperation Progress since the entry into force in 2005: currently most of the Parties are in the process of setting their targets Implementation of the Protocol promotes the Aarhus principles on the ground => co-operation beneficial for the same Parties Public participation is a prerequisite for successful implementation of the Protocol (need for partnerships and joint actions between authorities and other stakeholders, in particular NGOs) …however, the national reports received from Parties during the first reporting cycle showed that involving public in the implementation of the Protocol remains a major challenge
5 The Protocol on Water and Health Proposal for joint cooperation & exchange of experience Include public participation in decision making on water and health as one of the focus area of work for the Task on Public Participation Make use of the Protocol’s framework & the process of setting targets to focus, in depth, on public participation in decision making on water and health Possible activities: develop training/workshop/exchange of experience on how to organize public participation in setting targets and develop manuals /specific recommendations on public participation to implement the Protocol
6 The Protocol on Water and Health Protocol on Water and Health, Programme of Work / (Area 7): Public awareness, access to information and public participation Work to be carried out: Develop manual/recommendations for involving the public in consultations and decision-making processes under the Protocol in cooperation with the Aarhus Convention; Organize trainings on public participation to implement the Protocol, in cooperation with the Aarhus Convention; Organize sessions on public participation during the subregional workshops to exchange experience and strengthen implementation of the Protocol at the national level; Conduct projects on public participation on water and health e.g. in relation to river basins shared by Romania and Bulgaria; Organize a workshop on public awareness, education, training, research and information on water and health related issues.
7 The Protocol on Water and Health Possible next steps Task Force on Public Participation in cooperation with Romania/WECF (lead country/organization for activities on PP under the Protocol) develop the idea further and schedule future activities to be adopted at the 4 MOP of the Aarhus Convention …