My name is :Itay Marom
Instructions: * Choose two tasks and do them on the PowerPoint file. * Delete the slides you did not use. * Write your name on the first slide. * Upload to the class forum.
Fruit peach Grains bread Protein meat Vegetables tomato Dairy cheese Write the name of each group in the correct place. Use the book. P.77
Paste on the plate different kinds of food according to the correct group. You may use the internet.
Some strawberries pineapples A big cake A green kiwi spaghetti An orange juice eggs An apple Draw a line to match the word to the correct item.
_some_orange juice ______________ A green kiwy _a big cake_ strawberries_ _ ______An_apple pineapples ___eggs___ _ spaghetti_ Name the items.
What is your favorite food?? Write your favorite food. Explain why and add a picture. Write your answer in the box below.
********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ** Who is better?? Choose two groups and compare who is better and why? Write your answer in the box. You can work in pairs.
********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ** What do you know about cook books? * What are the most famous cook books in the world? * What are the most famous cook books in Israel? Choose one question and write: what kinds of food are in them? why they are so famous? Do you think you would use them to make food? Write your answer in the box below. Add the picture of the book.