The Lord’s Church Through the Ages Part 6 The Lord’s Church Today
The Lord’s Church Through the Ages Where Are We?
Why This Study? A study of history is profitable for learning valuable lessons (1 Corinthians 10:11-12) We will see how Christians that came out of the Restoration Movement had to face many issues that came up within the Lord’s church. We will study how Christians must face various challenges without in our world today.
Why This Study? A major apostasy that faced the early church was inter-congregational organization leading to the formation of the Catholic Church. The same desire for inter-congregational organization led to Protestant denominations during the Reformation period.
Why This Study? The same desire for inter-congregational organization led to the formation of the Christian Church / Disciplies of Christ during the Restoration period. The same desire for inter-congregational organization led to the formation of institutional Churches of Christ in the 20 th Century and today.
The Lord’s Church and Issues Within The Issues of the Early 1900’s The pre-millennial issue The one cup issue The no located preacher issue The no Bible class issue The war issue
The Lord’s Church and Issues Within The Issues of the 1940’s and 1950’s The college issue The orphan home issue The sponsoring church issue
The Lord’s Church and Issues Within The Issues of the 1960’s and 1970’s The social-gospel issue The tongue-speaking issue The neo-Calvinism issue The discipling issue
The Lord’s Church and Issues Within The Issues of the 1980’s and 1990’s The individual / no local church / no elders issue The marriage issue The fellowship issue The deity of Jesus issue
The Lord’s Church and Issues Within The Issues of the 21 st Century The days of creation issue The compromise issue (among institutional brethren) Instrumental music in worship Baptism not necessary Lord’s supper observed on a day other than Sunday “Christians” in all denominations
The Lord’s Church and Issues Without The Rapid Spread of Religions We live in a world where religions of the East and West come together easily. America is no longer a “Christian nation.” Consider Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12
The Lord’s Church and Issues Without The Decline of Truth Modernism: Immanuel Kant, David Hume, and Friedrick Hegel set forth the theory that God cannot communicate with man; therefore, the Bible is a product of man. Consider 1 Cor. 2:13; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:20-21
The Lord’s Church and Issues Without The Decline of Truth Situation of Ethics: Joseph Fletcher set forth the theory that morality and ethics change depending upon the situation and that “love” is the only guiding principle for determining morality. Consider Jer. 10:23; Jn. 14:15; 1 Cor. 13:5-6
The Lord’s Church and Issues Without The Decline of Truth Subjective Ecumenism: Modern denominations, using a gospel – doctrine distinction, attempt to unify under ecumenism. Consider Jn. 17:20-21; 1 Cor. 1:10-11; Eph. 4:4-6
The Lord’s Church and Issues Without The Decline of Truth Emotionalism: Modern denominations have put a premium on emotions and have neglected the study and practice of God’s word. Consider Phil. 4:4-9
The Lord’s Church and Issues Without The Decline of Truth Post-Modernism: We live in a post-modern world of relativity and ambiguity where it is claimed that truth cannot be known. Consider Jn. 8:32; 14:6; 17:17
The Lord’s Church and Issues Without The Decline of Truth Indifference and Worldliness: Many are leaving denominations and the Lord’s church for worldly living. Consider Rev. 3:16-17
Lessons Learned Apostasy is an Ever-Present Danger and Cyclical Apostasy May Not Be Present When Brethren Claim It Is The Lord’s Church Today is Threatened With Denominationalism and Worldliness
The Lord’s Church Through the Ages Let us continue to stand for truth (Eph. 6:19; Jude 3) Let us be the faithful remnant of the Lord’s church today (1 K. 19:18; Rev. 3:4)