OK, Now what? Marketing your Mission
What is a mission statement? A mission statement clarifies the reason for the existence of the institution and appeals to both the internal and external constituencies of the institution.
“ A mission cannot be impersonal; it has to have deep meaning, be something you believe in, something you know is right. A fundamental responsibility of leadership is to make sure that everybody knows the mission, understands it, lives it.” -Peter Drucker
What’s the difference? Mission statement: answers the question “Why are we here?” Vision statement: answers the question “Where are we going?” Core values: answers the question: “How do we want to act?” Key result areas: answers the question “What do we do to get to our mission?”
The mission of the Starship “Enterprise”:
The mission of a typical Catholic school should incorporate elements of “To Teach As Jesus Did” 1. Passing on the Word of God in the Gospel message of Jesus; 2. Formation and sustenance of the Christian community; 3. Opportunities for Christian service in light of the social teachings of the Catholic Church.
It should also reflect elements of Catholic Identity: Leadership that is religious; Infusion of values; Parental Involvement; Prayer, worship; Positive anthropology; Tradition; Human potential
For Example: Catholic Central High School, grounded in tradition, while embracing the future, challenges students to become immersed in an atmosphere and academic program steeped in Catholic /Christian values. Recognizing each child as a unique individual with gifts To share, St. Thomas More School pledges to excellence\ In all that we do, to commit ourselves to the Gospel values Of Christ, and to create a welcoming Christian community.
More Examples: St. John the Apostle Catholic School provides learning conditions that enable each child to develop to his/her full potential, encouraged by realistic goals, and motivated by current curriculum. In an atmosphere enlivened by the Gospel spirit, the students of Notre Dame High School develop into mature Catholic young adults, committed to serving God’s people. The mission of St. Rocco School is rooted in the love of the Heart of Christ.
Parish examples: St. Mary’s parish strives to evangelize all persons in the context of a caring community that constantly strives to identify with the mission of Jesus. The mission of the religious education program of St. Rita’s parish is to bring young people into the knowledge and the love of God so that they may come to a closer relationship with God, with their neighbor and with the world.
Characteristics of Mission Statement (L.B. Jones) A single sentence; Able to be explained by a 12-year-old; Able to be recited at gunpoint.
Characteristics of a mission statement: Should reflect who you really are; Should contain Catholic identity factors; Should be developed by multiple constituencies; Should be agreed upon by internal and external constituencies; Should be shared with everyone. Well-defined, relevant, important, appealing
Core values: Daughters of Charity The charity of Christ urges us to: –Respect –Quality Service –Simplicity –Advocacy for the poor –Inventiveness to infinity
Celebrating your mission: the IZE have it! 1. Strategize: what do we do with it? 2. Immunize: Stick to the mission statement which has been agreed upon; 3. Ritualize: How will we make visual our mission? 4. Publicize: Get it on every publication 5. Integralize: How to integrate the mission into every aspect of the school.
Some suggestions: Ask teachers, students, parents to paraphrase the mission. Develop a prayer service using Scripture readings that reflect the mission Ask the students to illustrate the mission statement Provide a copy of the mission statement to every classroom. Print the mission statement on business cards, name cards
More Suggestions Have a day of recollec- tion on the mission statement for teachers Ask parents to rate the school on its mission Take a phrase from the mission to use as a school motto. Have an annual “mission day” Ask other collaborative groups to develop their own mission statement in light of the school’s Ask leaders to explain the mission to new members of the community
Yet MORE suggestions: Ask the pastor to give a sermon on the mission statement during CSW Print the mission statement on all correspondence Check with new teachers to see that it is integrated Use the mission statement to build a strategic plan, capital campaign, recruitment program, grants Create a “shrine” to the mission statement Keep checking: How’re we doing?
Some questions: 1. How do we match our programs and activities with the mission? 2. How do we integrate the mission into our planning? 3. What signs and symbols do we use to characterize our mission? 4. How do we communicate the mission to new members of the community? 5. How do we emphasize our mission when we promote the school to internal and external stakeholders?
Sister Carol Cimino, SSJ William H. Sadlier Co.