ASNMU.NMU.EDU 1203 University Center The Associated Students of Northern Michigan University
24 hour study lounge Will commence on or before Oct. 15 th Allow students a place to study/work on projects 24 hours a day Gender Blind Housing A proposal is currently being drafted with hopes of institution Website Has been launched Parking Proposal is currently under review within ASNMU Will be presented to Public Safety before the end of October
We will continue the following past ASNMU programs and services: Free Greenbooks Bike-share Program Wildcat Wallet Dozing Discounts Student Association of Michigan Membership Free Speech Board Wildcat Shuttle Charge It
Housing for Unpaid Interns Counsel for All Student Judiciary Revision of ASNMU Constitution Revision of ASNMU Bylaws Publication Development Development of Website to a Student Resource Center
1203 University Center ASNMU.NMU.EDU