Unit 9 When was it invented? the fifth period Period 5 (reading)


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 9 When was it invented? the fifth period Period 5 (reading)


What are the sports that are usually played indoors( 户内 )? What are the sports that are played outdoors( 户外 )? Ping-pong, swimming,… Running, football, tennis ball, jumping and so on

football volleyball Ping-pong tennis baseball badminton basketball

Can you name a professional basketball organization in America? NBA = National Basketball Association [ əˌsəusi'eiʃən ] ( 协会 )

Do you know about the basketball game? How many players are there in each team? How many teams are players divided into( 被分成 )? They are divided into two teams. How many minutes are there in the game? Forty minutes. Five

Do you know when basketball was invented? Do you know when basketball was invented? rank notice including indoors create wooden knock knock into divide aim basket metal 顺序, 级别 注意到 金属 包含 ; 包括 在户内 创造 ; 创作 木制的 敲,击敲,击 撞上 ( 某人 ) 目的 ; 目标 篮;筐篮;筐 分开 ; 划分 hoop shoot below backboard guide towards court Berlin develop popularity worldwide 箍 ; 铁环 射击 ; 发射 在 … 的下面 篮板 ; 背板 指导 ; 带领 朝着 … 的方向 球场, 庭院 柏林 发展 ; 壮大 普及 ; 流行 世界性的 ; 世界范围的 home vocabulary reading 3a 3b

backboard net a metal hoop It’s a net hanging from a metal hoop. The backboard is used for guiding the ball into the basket.

 速度课文,判断正误。  1.Basketball is very popular in China.  2. Basketball is played by over 100 milloin people in China.  3. James Naismith was born in  4. Basketball became an Olympic event in  5. Chinese team won the match in Berlin Olympics. T F T T F

Paragpaph 1 — 2 Be played in the world Be played in China where how old Popularity ( 流行 ) why Be played abroad the number of people the number of countries everywhere you go( 你所到之处 ) Over a hundred years old Is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise More than 100 million people In over 200 countries including China

Paragrapgh 2 be invented by People name Nationality( 国籍 ) jobwas born Game wherewhenfloordanger James Naismith Canadiandoctor In 1861 IndoorsDuring the long winters On a hard wooden floor Knocking into players and falling down

Paragraph 4 How to play Divide 分组 Aim 目标 Equipment 设备 Course ( 过程 ) Two teams Get a ball into the basket A ball, a net hanging from a metal hoop and a backborad Get the ball Shoot( 投 ) from below the basket Move towards( 朝向 ) one end of the court( 球场 ) and throw the ball to each other

Paragraph 5 The history of basketball The first game Time Became an Olympic event TimePlace Since then Popularity The number of foreign players in NBA Many young people On December 21st 1891 in1936In Berlin Has risen worldwide ( 全球上升 ) Has increased Dream of becoming famous basketball players

Do you know when basketball was invented? Do you know when basketball was invented? 3b Learning strategy: MIND-MAPPING 学习策略 : 脑中构图 使用脑中构图的方法记忆信息. 将你阅读到的信息构成一副彩 色的文字图案. 大脑回忆 ” 图片 ” 比文字信息更容易. 3a reading vocabulary home

Do you know when Do you know when basketball was invented? Now played everywhere factories for fun and parks school exercise home vocabulary reading 3a 3b

Do you know when basketball was invented? Do you know when basketball was invented? BASKETBALL 200 countriesAMERICA EQUIPMENT( 装置 ) NBA ballbasket backboard home vocabulary reading 3a 3b

Do you know when basketball was invented? Do you know when basketball was invented? BASKETBALL history James Naismith BerlinDecember 21st 1891 THE GAME 9 team players two teams get a ball into the basket home vocabulary reading 3a 3b

parks schools exercise NBA basket backboard 1936 Berlin December 21 st 1891 two teams get a ball into the basket 设备 courtnet metal hoop

travel around China somewhere you go much-loved and active sport for fun and exercise at college be played indoors during the long winter create a game=invent a game On a hard wooden floor the safety of…. knock into fall down divide,,,into… the aim of… hanging from a metal hoop shoot from below the basket guide,,,into move towards one end of the court It is believed in history develop the game since then the popularity of basketball rise worldwide dream of doing 环游中国 你所到之处 深受喜爱和活跃的活动 为了娱乐和锻炼 在大学里 在室内被玩 在漫长的冬天 发明一种运动 在坚硬的木制地板上 …. 的安全 撞到,,, 上 摔倒 把,,,, 分成,,,,,,,,, 的目的 挂在金属环上 从篮下投球 引导,,,, 进入,,,, 向球场的另一端移动 被认为 在 历史上 发展运动 自从那时 篮球的流行程度 在全国范围内提升 梦想做,,,,,

Do you know when basketball was invented? Do you know when basketball was invented? 1. Who invented basketball? 2. Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball? 3. What is the aim of basketball? 4. Name a professional basketball organization in America. James Naismith invented basketball. The aim is to get a ball into the basket home vocabulary reading 3a 3b The popularity of basketball has risen worldwide since then. The popularity of basketball has risen worldwide since then. NBA