Knowledge Connections Definition Picture Term Vocabulary Passive ResistanceCivil Disobedience
Essential Question What strategies did Gandhi use to help win independence for India?
What did India want? The movement for independence began 1885 with the formation of the INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS At first, India just wanted self-government But eventually, India wanted to be free from British rule
Who led the independence movement? MOHANDAS GANDHI stepped forward to lead India’s movement for independence Gandhi called for PASSIVE RESISTANCE Declaring a law unjust Refusing to follow it Suffering the consequences
How did Gandhi protest the British? Gandhi and his followers defied British rule through peaceful protests Gandhi called this process SATYAGRAHA, Hindu for truthholding firm Other people, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would practice this behavior
What did Gandhi go through? Gandhi suffered for his cause by: Leading the Salt March in 1930 to protest British taxes Enduring life-threatening hunger strikes Going to jail
Who supported Gandhi? Thousands of people joined with Gandhi…. …even the PARIAHS that were usually known as the “untouchables” lowest social class in India Gandhi renamed these people the HARIJAN “Children of God”
How did the British respond? The British slowly gave in to the demands of the Indian people… …such as allowing Indians to run for local offices Higher offices still remained out of their reach
When did independence come? After World War II, the independence movement grew stronger 1947 – Independence finally comes to India
Essential Question What strategies did Gandhi use to help win independence for India?