Onslow County School System Instructional Support Information Onslow County Schools Broadhurst Road - Jacksonville, NC 28540
Excellence in Education Please consider the following: – Utilize these personnel as well as your assistant principal, guidance counselor and media specialists to build your Instructional Support Team; share your vision and direction with this team; ask them to provide you with key data; meet on a regular basis with them to share your expectations, next steps and school needs. – Coordinate with appropriate directors should challenges arise. Instructional Support Staff
Instructional Coaches Excellence in Education
Instructional Coaches Goal: Increase student engagement, improve student achievement, and build teacher capacity What coaches can do: Assist w classroom set up, flow, design, protocol setting & behavior management Model a lesson and/or team teach Demonstrate & share research-based best practices Grow teachers in ability to deliver OCS driving forces: CIA, AVID, global, or in content related areas, etc. Cognitively “coach” teachers through a process or problem; help teachers develop emotional resilience Support the process of gathering data, information, analysis and resources so that changes can be effective Deliver and/or facilitate professional development Facilitate a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement through PLCs (help set up/support effective PLCs & discussion of tier of interventions/differentiation, at-risk students, etc. ) Excellence in Education
Instructional Coaches Principals Need to Know Coaches follow your lead as an instructional leader! – Coaches, therefore, need to know what your vision is for your school. A good instructional coach can be your “instructional right hand.” – Can work with teachers one-on-one, small group, with PLCs, or with a large group leading Professional Development – Support needs of school identified by principal, strategic plan, and other multiple measures Evaluated by principal – Susanne will be out at least 1x a year at each site to meet with and help “grow” the instructional coach Should give you Outlook Calendar access to his/her schedule Does not pull small groups of at-risk students Instructional coach professional development 2x a month 12:00 pm -4:30, typically on Thursdays. Placements are re-evaluated each year based on student achievement Excellence in Education
Points for Discussion for all coaches Principal discretion on: – Locked In Days – ERPD Days If not essential to delivering or participating in PD, coaches will be utilized in other capacities as deemed by supervisors – Staff Meetings – Workdays – Leave Days Paperwork is completed at homeschool is sent to principal(s), financial treasurer, and supervisors Excellence in Education
Coming Soon “Coaches on Call” Volunteers from: instructional coaches, DLT facilitators, literacy coaches, AIG specialists and EC coaches/psychologists Within all of the “coach” groups, there is a wealth of talent! (We have collected a data-base of coach skill sets.) The majority of “coaches” have volunteered to share their skills and talents by offering PD and resources If any school would like a “team of coaches” to help with the delivery of PD, implementation of a new strategy or follow up PD, a contact tool will be created This strategy will aid greatly with collaboration, content area alignment and feeder district articulation A system of quality schools through the combined pooling of resources and talent Excellence in Education