Classroom Rules Summary You need to make a PowerPoint with 5 slides and a design. Use the following titles and formats: Side 1. Classroom Rules Summary (Title slide format with student names) Slide 2. Daily Procedures (Title and content format) Slide 3. Be Respectful (Title and content format) Slide 4. Care and Feeding of computers (Title and content format) Slide 5. Stay On Task (Title and content format)
Instructions for the assignment Read each long description on the following slides. Summarize each into a simple bullet no longer than one line Use 28 or bigger font Use a design Include a bullet for each original description. Save the PowerPoint in your h-drive.
Daily Procedures To be on time in tech apps means you are seated at your workstation writing in your planner when the bell rings. It is LXJ policy to carry and write in your planner. Leave it out until told to put it away. You will get a grade for it. It has your bathroom passes in it. Your backpack needs to be on the floor under your desk. It is not on your back, in your lap or behind/beside your chair. You have an assigned seat, sit in it every day. Computer assignments will not start until after the warm up is over. Do not work on your computer during the warm up.
Be Respectful The classroom is a professional setting like an office job. Appropriate language is expected. You were taught good keyboarding ergonomics in elementary school. Sit right in your chair and face your workstation during assignments. Inappropriate attention getting is immature. Blurting out answers instead of listening and yelling for the teacher instead of raising your hand are rude. Don’t put things in your mouth. Electronics are in use and wet/sticky things can harm the computer components or you. Lomax JH needs to be a respectful no bullying zone. Saying mean things is wrong. We are all the human race and we all have feelings.
Care and Feeding of Hardware Talk to the teacher about print jobs because they may waste too much paper or toner. Printing from the internet is particularly risky. Changing the default settings of your workstation is a violation of district policy. Filling the desktop with icons and gadgets wastes virtual memory. When you were a little kid, you learned not to stick things in light or wall sockets. In the same respect, leave the plugs on the computers alone.
Stay on Task You aren’t working on your assignment if you are standing at or touching someone else’s workstation. Stalking the teacher around the room is like cutting in line in the cafeteria. She can’t help you with your computer assignment if you aren’t at your computer. Online entertainment such image searches and watching videos are like the black holes of space. You get sucked in and before you know it your work time is gone and you have nothing to show. Do not play computer games without asking the teacher for permission and waiting for her to tell you yes.