Presentation Objective To provide City Council with a Presentation of our existing Signal System and lay out a path to improving signal operations for the entire City of Palm Coast.
Strategic Action Plan Objective 1.1: To enhance infrastructure in order to maintain quality neighborhoods and business districts Objective 1.2: To assess the need to expand infrastructure for sustainable growth – Strategy 1.2.2: Coordinate facility capacity upgrades to meet the City’s growth needs appropriately Objective 5.2: Enhance safety measures throughout the community – Strategy 5.2.2: Continue to enhance safety improvements at intersections and along roadways
Existing Conditions City owns and maintains 50 signals All monitoring is done in the field by City Staff All data collection is performed in the field Signal timings are evaluated in the office Any adjustments to signal timings are made in the field Incident management is handled by technicians in the field
Existing Resources Traffic Management Software – Streetwise by Trafficware Traffic Controllers – Naztec by Trafficware (40 Controllers) – TRANSYT 1880EL (6 Controllers) – Peek 3000e (4 Controllers) Detection Types – Loops – Video Additional Resources Available – FiberNet Cable Backbone – Traffic Monitoring Cameras along Palm Coast Parkway
Proposed Plan
Safer and More Efficient How do we MAXIMIZE CAPACITY of our roadways and make them SAFER? Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS)
Monitors signal operations and equipment malfunctions Allows immediate changes to timings and functions Real time incident management Maximize efficiency of staff responsiveness to complaints, incidents, and retiming
ATMS Components Fiber Optic Cable - FiberNet cable Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV)- Traffic Monitoring Cameras Traffic Controllers Vehicle Detectors Traffic Management Center (TMC)
Fiber Optic Cable - FiberNet High speed communication between field devices and TMC City has robust existing infrastructure for signal interconnection Allows for cost savings
CCTV Traffic Monitoring Cameras Monitor traffic flow Incident management – Real-time monitoring (no recording) – Provide feeds to police and Emergency Operations – Potential for live feeds on Website for Citizens to view
DMS Allows staff to disseminate travel information to motorists Travel time, detours, amber/silver alerts, police advisories, etc.
Traffic Controllers Upgrade select controllers for compatibility and standardization Necessary for controllers to communicate to TMC
Vehicle Detectors Loop detection is currently in place Cost and performance analysis recommends loops versus video detection
Traffic Management Center (TMC) Hub where data is collected and processed Initial setup is a 1 to 2 computer workstation Central Management System Software – – TMC will have separate server maintained by IT Requires operator(s) to manage data (at desk or remotely)
Pedestrian Features for Safety Upgrade pedestrian signal heads to standardized countdown type Upgrade pedestrian buttons and signage
How Do We Get There? Upgrades to the existing signal system: Fiber Connectivity Traffic Controllers/Cabinets Traffic Management Center Central Management System Software Pedestrian Features
Priority Corridors Palm Coast Parkway - Club House Drive to Pine Cone Drive (13 Signalized Intersections) Belle Terre Parkway - Palm Coast Pkwy (WB) to Pine Lakes Pkwy S (5 Signalized Intersections) Belle Terre Parkway - Whiteview Pkwy to SR 100 (5 Signalized Intersections) SR Belle Terre Pkwy to Old Kings Rd (7 Signalized Intersections)
Project Cost Estimates Traffic Management Center Assimilation$122,400 Palm Coast Parkway$139,200 Belle Terre Parkway (s/o PCP)$52,400 Belle Terre Parkway (n/o SR 100)$90,900 SR 100$127,000 Total Cost$531,900 Current FY2016 Budget $345,000
Project Schedule Traffic Management Center Assimilation – FY 2016 Palm Coast Parkway – FY 2016 Belle Terre Parkway (s/o PCP) – FY 2017 Belle Terre Parkway (n/o SR 100) – FY 2017 SR 100 – FY 2017
Conclusion Improvements will provide the following benefits to the City Reduced Travel Time Reduced Congestion Reduced Fuel Use Improved Roadway Safety Improve Response time for Maintenance & Emergency Operations
Next Steps Finalize Project Details City Council Authorization Implementation of the Prioritized Corridors Plan Future Project Considerations
Future Improvements Vehicle Detection Hardware Vehicle Detection and Surveillance Technologies are an integral part of the transportation systems The types of vehicle detection hardware evaluated for this study include: – Loops – Video Detector – Magnetometer – Microwave – Wavetronix Radar The City currently utilizes loop detectors at all intersections within the City and will continue to do so
Future Improvements Traffic Management Center (TMC) The focal point for monitoring and controlling the City’s Transportation Resources. The following equipment is needed to create a successful TMC – Stand alone server to support the proposed computer software – 1 to 2 computer workstation
Future Improvements Traffic Management Center Central Management System Software Traffic Controllers Traffic Detection Hardware Speed Detection Hardware Video Monitoring Capability Fiber Connectivity Improving the transportation system will require upgrades to the existing network. The following improvements are recommended:
Future Improvements Central Management System (CMS) Software Provides the monitoring and control capabilities to traffic signals and equipment in the field 2.3 by Trafficware – Compatible with the Trafficware Signal Controllers we currently utilize – Only need to upgrade ## Controllers
Future Improvements Other Components Additional improvements include the following: – Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) – utilized to monitor traffic – Bluetooth Monitoring – track speeds along the corridor – Ethernet Switches and Fiber Network connections – components that relay information from the Traffic Management Center to the Traffic Controllers and vice versa
Future Improvements Phase Implementation The Consultant with input from City Staff prepare the following phases for Implementation: – Phase A – Traffic Management Center Assimilation – Phase B – Palm Coast Pkwy to include Cypress Point Pkwy and Old Kings Road – Phase C – Belle Terre Pkwy – Phase D – SR 100 – Phase E – Integrating additional traffic signal not in Phases B through D – Phase F – Work to Bring BlueTOAD into the City
Project Costs The Cost Associated With Each Phase The Cost Associated With The Priority Intersections PHASECOST PHASEA$122,400 PHASE B$139,200 PHASE C$222,300 PHASE D$127,000 PHASE E$139,200 PHASE F$67,500 TOTAL$817,600 PHASE/PRIORITYCOST PHASE A$122,400 PRIORITY 1$139,200 PRIORITY 2$52,400 PRIORITY 3$90,900 PRIORITY 4$127,000 TOTAL$531,900
Project Costs Cost Benefit Analysis The following assumptions were utilized: – Average hourly wage - $15.11 – Reduction in Travel time – 10% – Only AM and PM Peak hours considered – 260 workdays The following equations were utilized: – Reduction in Delay Per Year (Hours) = (Travel time savings per vehicle)*(Peak Hour Traffic Volumes)*(workdays/year)*(# of peak hours in a day) – Benefit Cost = (Reduction in Delay Per Year (Hours)*(Average Hourly Wage) – Benefit/Cost Ratio = (Benefit Cost)/(Phase Cost)
Project Costs Cost Benefit Analysis - Phase B
Project Costs Cost Benefit Analysis - Phase C
Project Costs Cost Benefit Analysis - Phase D
Introduction Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology has proven to reduce congestion and maximize roadway capacity. Currently the average commuter spent 38 hours a year in congestion wasting 19 gallons of gas. Lost productivity time and fuel is $818 (2011 dollars) compared to $342 in 1982 (2011 dollars). Improving signal operations will enhance traffic flow and safety for drivers and drivers within the City of Palm Coast. Advancements have been shown to reduce travel times between 8% to 15% on average. Significant decreases in delay have been reported during traffic incidents (improving incident management) and for special events.