A BIOLOGICAL INVASION is when a species arrives in an area in which it was previously not found. An EXOTIC SPECIES is an organism that has invaded an ecosystem in which it did not evolve.
@ least 10 will successfully colonize 5 will naturalize 2-3 will spread and become pests
3% have gone extinct in the past 100 years while another 26% are endangered. Reasons for their decline are: habitat destruction73% introduced species68% pollution38% hybridization38% overharvesting15%
Australia10% Canada28% Hawaii18% France11% New Zealand47% Spain15%
geographic isolation large amounts of human produced habitat large amounts of tropical/sub-trop habitat travel centers
agriculture ornamental hunting and sport biotechnology scientific research pet trade
ships air travel hitchhiking seeds escapes from agriculture side effects of habitat alteration
disease transmissions (smallpox, rabies) disruption of the food web, predator-prey interactions homogenization of the world’s biota: loss of biodiversity extinction
hybridization outcompetition direct predation (domestic cat, brown tree snake) disruption of the ecosystem (increased fire, N-fixing, change in water table) plant pathogens (Ex. Chestnut blight)
pioneer species human commensal prey generalist habitat generalist single parent reproduction
What makes something invasive? 4 Not native 4 Is able to survive and reproduce 4 Does something destructive to the environment
PREVENTION inspection at travel centers regulations/policies CONTROL shooting and trapping mechanical removal of plants pesticides biological control