Corporate and local contribution of Pfizer to Smoking Cessation José Aleixo Dias Medical Director – Pfizer, Portugal
TOPICS Pfizer is very proud of sponsoring the European Network of Quitlines (ENQ) Partnerships in place between Pfizer and ENQ Pfizer Worldwide commitment to smoking cessation and drug development Pfizer contribution to smoking cessation in Portugal: The relevance of the problem and smoker’s behavioural patterns Education and training in smoking cessation Tobacco associated costs Think Tank: Portugal Sem Fumo Partnerships Public awareness campaigns
Partnerships in place between Pfizer and ENQ
TOPICS Partnerships in place between Pfizer and ENQ: Direct to smokers activities The eastern European program on social exclusion The smoke free awards
Pfizer Worldwide commitment to smoking cessation and drug development
6 Smoking Cessatio n
Pfizer contribution to smoking cessation in Portugal The relevance of the problem and smoker’s behavioural patterns
Direccionamos objectivos. Studies: Smoker motivation (Motivação do Fumador) © Novadir study report for Pfizer December 2006
Pfizer contribution to smoking cessation in Portugal Education and training in smoking cessation
Tobacco Law n.º 37/2007
Education and training in Smoking Cessation Tobbacco cessation consultations
Update version of Smoking Cessation Guide
Unal B et al. BMJ 2005;331:1–6. Avoidable deaths due to Coronary Heart Disease in England & Wales, attributable to risk factor changes Deixar de fumar Colesterol reduction Blood Pressure reduction 24, Smoking cessation Avoidable deaths (number) 0 Reimbursement (€) millions 99 millions
Contribution of National & International Experts April 15th, 2008 “… the nature and potential intensity of clinical effects caused by tobacco are not less than those caused by alcohol or opiates”. “Relapse from quitting back to smoking is higher with tobacco than with alcohol or other drugs”. Serena Tonstad, Professor Serena Tonstad, Professor Director of Preventive Care School of Public Health School of Public Health Loma Linda University
Pfizer contribution to smoking cessation in Portugal Tobacco associated costs
Tobacco associated costs in Portugal Conclusions: The global cost to the Health System in 2005 was estimated to be: 436 millions €uros. Income from taxation over tobacco during the same year was of 1323 millions €uros.
Pfizer contribution to smoking cessation in Portugal Think Tank: Smoke Free Portugal (Portugal Sem Fumo)
Pfizer contribution to smoking cessation in Portugal Partnerships
Partnerships: APMCG & MISSION for Primary Care Fellowship on “Good multidisciplinar collaboration in Smoking Cessation at the Primary Care level” ( Bolsa de Boas Práticas em Colaboração Multidisciplinar Cuidados de Saúde Primários)
Partnerships: Nat.Association of Pharmacies (ANF)
Pfizer contribution to smoking cessation in Portugal Public awareness campaigns
Smoke Free Day
Manual of good practices in managing smoking cessation
Public awareness campaigns