Zambia By: Deidra Smith
Map of Zambia Major cities: Lusaka Mongu Kabwe Livingstone Solwezi Surrounding countries: Angola Dem. Rep. of the Congo Tanzania Malawi Mozambique Zimbabwe Botswana Nambia
Flag of zambia Green stands for the country's natural resources and vegetation, red symbolizes the struggle for freedom, black the people of Zambia, and orange the country's mineral wealth; the eagle represents the people's ability to rise above the nation's problems.
Geography of zambia Geography Kambando River Zambezi River Kaulashishi Hill (4,658ft) Lake Kariba Mount Mahoni (6, 170ft)
Victoria falls
Livingstone memorial Livingstone Monument
Lake Tanganyika Lake Tanganyika
Recreation activities Kafue National Park Liuwa Plains National Park
Tropical; modified by altitude; rainy season (October to April) Climate Tropical; modified by altitude; rainy season (October to April)
Copperbelt museum
Livingstone museum
Food: ifisashi
Natural Hazards
Christian 50%-75%, Muslim and Hindu 24%-49%, Indigenous beliefs 1% religion Christian 50%-75%, Muslim and Hindu 24%-49%, Indigenous beliefs 1%
Bemba (official) 30.1% Nyanja (official) 10.7% Tonga (official) 10.6% Top 3 languages Bemba (official) 30.1% Nyanja (official) 10.7% Tonga (official) 10.6%
Additional information Global Peace Index 58 out of 144 Human Development Index 164 out of 182 Global Competitiveness Report 112 out of 133
Life expectancy Male 51.13 years Female 53.63 years
Top 3 imports and exports Capital goods Non- Food consumer goods Energy Top 3 Exports: Copper Cobalt Gemstones
includes Europeans, Asians, and Americans Largest Ethnic group African 99.5% includes Bemba, Tonga, Chewa, Lozi, Nsenga, Tumbuka, Ngoni, Lala, Kaonde, Lunda, and other African groups Other 0.5% includes Europeans, Asians, and Americans