Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration GSA Reverse Auction
Federal Acquisition Service 2 Integrated Technology Services Overview On July 1, 2013, the GSA launched ReverseAuctions.gsa.gov for use by federal agencies Key Customer benefits Cost efficient platform designed to drive down the total cost of acquisitions and increase savings to customers and taxpayers Facilitates the request and submission of bids through GSA and VA Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) and Multiple Award Schedule Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) and Multiple Award Contracts (MACs). Complies with FAR requirements by leveraging existing vendors that are available under each contract vehicle, meeting competition requirements and fair opportunity for all vendors that are listed under the Multiple Award Schedules (MAS), Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) and Multiple Award Contracts (MACs).
Federal Acquisition Service 3 Integrated Technology Services Overview Continued GSA reverse auction addresses concern from industry regarding paying additional fees for GSA Schedule buys on commercial reverse auction platforms. There is no fee for the GSA reverse auction platform when using GSA Schedules or Schedule-based Blanket Purchase Agreements which increases savings back to agencies compared to fees paid on commercial platforms. The cost is covered by the GSA Schedules Industrial Funding Fee. Working with federal agencies to identify and load any Multiple Award Contracts or Blanket Purchase Agreements into the reverse auction platform. GSA reverse auction allows for small business set asides, small business have been awarded 90% of total auctions. Continued collaboration with federal agencies on future enhancements in reverse auction platform.
Federal Acquisition Service 4 Integrated Technology Services Buyer Benefits Saves time and money while achieving maximum savings from Independent Government Estimate (IGE) Same log in as eBuy and GSA Advantage History provided on previous purchases via Buyer Level III Spend Data Report in real time. Ability to copy auctions (that can be used in repeat or similar procurements) Ability to do Auction Amendments Post answers to vendors’ questions via platform Ability to do single award or multiple award auctions Reduce the need for FOIA requests as prices are clearly visible to industry partners List of all GSA and VA Schedules and Multiple Award Blanket Purchase Agreements are available on reverseauctions.gsa.gov homepage.
Federal Acquisition Service 5 Integrated Technology Services Industry Benefits Same log in as eBuy and GSA Advantage; Ability to see invited auctions in vendor dashboard; Ability to see all active auctions and auction amendments; Ability for vendors to interact with buyers and post questions directly to the buyers through the platform; Pricing – Real time pricing is displayed and vendor names withheld for privacy. Vendors are aware where they stand in the auction; Flat Bid with no proxy – A flat bid with no proxy can be placed either below or higher than the apparent low bid or maximum bid allowed. Flat Bid with proxy – Proxy bid is optional. If a proxy bid is placed, the vendor must place a flat bid price at the maximum bid allowed and proxy bid is the lowest price the vendor is willing to sell the product or services.
Federal Acquisition Service 6 Integrated Technology Services Reporting Benefits and Spend Data Buyer ability to run detailed Level III report on awarded auctions In development: enhanced reporting dashboard based on agency input. Current reverse auction spend since inception: Total awarded auctions independent government estimated: $6,005,898 Total awarded price: $5,533,851 Total savings: $472,047 Total average savings: 7% Total awarded auctions to small business: 91% Bid abstract reports on closed auctions
Federal Acquisition Service 7 Integrated Technology Services Agency Input GSA Department of Army Defense Logistics Agency Department of Navy Department of Treasury Dept of Transportation Center for Disease Control (CDC) Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Homeland Security
Federal Acquisition Service 8 Integrated Technology Services
Federal Acquisition Service 9 Integrated Technology Services Enter User ID and Password – Same as GSA eBuy
Federal Acquisition Service 10 Integrated Technology Services Click auctions tab to see list of closed
Federal Acquisition Service 11 Integrated Technology Services List of auctions already created How to create an auction
Federal Acquisition Service 12 Integrated Technology Services
Federal Acquisition Service 13 Select type either BPA, MAS or MAC for Open Market Contracts
Federal Acquisition Service 14 Once MAS Type is selected. Select the Contract Vehicle (Example:Schedule 70)
Federal Acquisition Service 15 Enter remaining data fields
Federal Acquisition Service 16 Once Auction Details are entered select “Save & Next” on the bottom right.
Federal Acquisition Service 17 Auction Details Page: Select the appropriate SIN based on Contract Vehicle Selected.
Federal Acquisition Service 18 Auction Details Page Enter line item details. All fields with a “red asterisk” are mandatory.
Federal Acquisition Service 19 Completed Auction Details
Federal Acquisition Service 20 When page information is completely entered and using a default shipping address, select “Save Line Item” If adding new shipping address: Select the Update Line Items & Shipping Address”
Federal Acquisition Service 21 Line item 001 has been created Add additional line items below or select next at bottom of screen
Federal Acquisition Service 22 Select Line item number from drop down box and small business socio economic indicator. (Based on set a side box selected on create auction page
Federal Acquisition Service 23 Vendors are listed based on Socio-Economic set a side selected. All vendors under respective SIN or socio economic status will receive fair opportunity to compete.
Federal Acquisition Service 24 Select “Save and Next” to add attachments.
Federal Acquisition Service 25 Click on add remove attachment(s) to attachment any documents.
Federal Acquisition Service 26 Click on select the document and attach document. Once document its uploaded successfully click close window
Federal Acquisition Service 27 Click on refresh document list to see attachments
Federal Acquisition Service 28 Document appears under document name. Select Go to Review to finalize auction
Federal Acquisition Service 29 Enter auction “End Date” and “End Time.” Note: The IGCE is not visible to vendors Confirm “Attachments” and “Line Item.” When complete select: “Finalize” on bottom right
Federal Acquisition Service 30 Auction is now complete and sent out to vendors with Time Remaining in red text.
Federal Acquisition Service 31 Integrated Technology Services Points of Contact Hassan Harris, GSA Senior Contracting Officer Phone: Drand Dixon, GSA Business Development Specialist Phone: