Module 7 Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo.
Would you like to visit the zoo? I’d like to be your guide.
panda æ
giraffe neck
lion camel
snake elephant monkey giraffe panda zebra lion camel
snake elephant monkey giraffe panda zebra lion tiger camel
polar bear
Europe Asia Africa Australia Oceania South America North America Does the panda come from China? Yes, it does. It comes from China. the Arctic China Does the kangaroo come from Australia? Yes, it does. It comes from Australia. Does the wolf come from Europe? Yes, it does. It comes from Europe. Does the tiger come from Asia? Yes, it does. It comes from Asia. Does the polar bear come from the Arctic? Yes, it does. It comes from the Arctic.
animal come from food panda kangaroo tiger wolf polar bear Chinabamboo Australiagrass Asiameat Europe meat the Arctic meat The panda comes from China and it loves bamboo.
Do you like dogs best? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Do dogs love playing with children? Do dogs love eating bones? Do dogs love sleeping? How long can they sleep?
I love cats best. They love eating fish and playing with balls as well. They sleep in the day and are awake at night. They sleep for about 13 hours a day. Some of them live with people but some live outside. What is your favourite animal?
Snake, snake, snake. Snake has no legs. Giraffe, giraffe, giraffe. Giraffe has long neck. Panda, panda, panda. Panda lives in China. Tiger, tiger, tiger. Tiger is the king!
Please remember: To love animals is to love ourselves.