Welcome Chhattisgarh
PresentationFor Krishi Karman Award Dt Government of Chhattisgarh
I N D E X ParticularSlide No.Page No. Chhattisgarh–An Overview12 Source wise Irrigation 23 Achievement in Foodgrains production33 Productivity of major crops44 Strategies and measures taken by State During New initiatives adopted by State for enhancing crop production96 Allocation and Expenditure under various scheme107 Efforts made for inter department co-ordination117 Online updating of data on NFSM website128 Future Strategies & road map for achieving higher production
Chhattisgarh–An Overview Agro Climatic Zones Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. Geog. area :138 lakh ha. Forest cover :63.36 lakh ha. (46%) Net sown area :47.75 lakh ha. (35%) Net Irrigated Area: lakh ha. (30%) 57 % soil is medium to light. Average rainfall :1334 mm. Farm families:37.46 lakh (33% ST, 12 % SC) 76% small & marginal Farmers Cropping intensity:136 % Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone 1
Source wise Irrigation Source At formation of State ( ) At the end of X th Plan ( ) Canal Tube well Wells Others Total Unit- Lakh Ha. 2
Achievement in Foodgrains Production Crop * % increase in Production over APAPAP11-12 Previous Highest ( ) Rice Wheat Coarse Cereals Total Cereals Total Pulses Total Food Grain Unit- A-lakh ha., P-Lakh MT Source - Commissioner land record. 3 * During out of 149 tehsils 26 tehsils were drought affected.
Productivity of Major Crops Unit : Kg. per ha. 4 17% 7% 11%
Strategies and measures taken by State during Promotion of improved management practices : Rice : (a) Rainfed situation : (i) Thrust on line sowing with weedicide application instead of broadcasting. (ii) Promotion of early / mid duration rice varieties to ensure timely sowing and area expansion under rabi crops (iii) Distribution of improved seed and fertilizer kit to forest dwellers benefitted under FRA Particular % Increase Area under Line Sowing (000' ha.) % Particular % Increase Area under Rabi crops (000'ha) % Particular % Increase No. of kits distributed (1 acre each) % 5
(b) Irrigated condition : (i) Emphasis on increase in area under transplantation / SRI (ii) Thrust on use of chemical fertilizer and micro nutrient based on soil analysis : (iii) Distribution of green manuring seed to farmers on subsidized rate : Particular % Increase Area under transplantation (000'ha.) % Area under SRI Method (000'ha.)214090% Particular % Increase Distribution of Zinc Sulphate (MT) % Contd... Particular % Increase Area under Green Manuring (ha.) % 6 (iv) Area expansion under hybrid rice : Particular % Increase Distribution of hybrid rice seed (MT) % Area under hybrid rice (000'ha.) %
Pulses : Thrust on use of quality seed. Emphasis on use of seed drills for sowing of rabi crops for placement of seed in moisture zone and maintain adequate plant population. Treatment of seed with fungicide and bacterial culture - 51% higher over last year. Promotion of bio control agents / bio pesticides. Promotion of use of sprinkler system for irrigation. 7 Particular % Increase Distribution of Seed drills (Nos.) % Particular % Increase Quality seed distribution (000'Qtls.)344636% SRR (Gram)15.90%19.07%4.17 Contd...
Cultivation of arhar on rice bunds : Area expansion under intercropping of pulses: 8 Particular % Increase Area (000'ha.) % Particular % Increase Area under intercropping (000'ha.) %
New initiatives adopted by State for enhancing crop production First separate agriculture budget during for holistic development of agriculture and allied sector. - Budget provision Rs cr. (17% of total state budget) Priority for increasing irrigation potential – 16% higher budget provision over previous year. Financial assistance increased for energization of irrigation pumps from Rs. 50,000 to 75,000 per pump connection. For crop loan rate of interest decreased from 3% to 1% per annum. Financial assistance upto 10 lakh for establishing improved agriculture implements custom hiring centres. Premium subsidy increased from 5% to 20% under NAIS. New schemes launched for area expansion under improved practices like line sowing, SRI method, soil health improvement and quality seed production. Interest free loan to Markfed for prepositioning of chemical fertilizers. Budget provision for establishing 2 new KVK in new tribal districts (Gariyaband, Balrampur), Construction of fertilizer godowns - Budget provision 52.5 cr. 9
Allocation and Expenditure under Various Schemes S. No. ProgrammeSanction Fund Released Expenditure Amount% 1 NFSM (Rice) NFSM (Pulse) (Including A3P) * Unit- in cr. Year ** Excess release of fund against approved programme RKVY (Normal) BGREI INSIMP ** * Including revalidated amount.
Efforts made for Inter Departmental Co-ordination Pre Kharif and pre Rabi meetings at divisional level under the Chairmanship of APC are being organised to address issues related with power, irrigation, agricultural inputs and credit. Weekly meeting at state level under chairmanship of APC and at district level district collectors are holding meetings to review input arrangement and to resolve inter departmental issues. 11
Online updating of data on NFSM Website Online entries regarding number of beneficiaries and supply under NFSM are being done regularly. Total nos. of entries upto are as under : 12 Upto Total Nos. of Beneficiaries Nos. of Supply
Future Strategies & road map for achieving higher production Efforts for increasing irrigation potential 3 lakh ha. additional area will be brought under irrigation during 12 th plan period. Utilization of rice fallow for increasing cropping intensity. 13 Thrust on production and usage of quality seed to enhance SRR specially for pulse crop. CropExisting and Proposed SRR Arhar12.36%22%25% Gram19.07%22%25% Particular Cropping Intensity136%138%140%
Contd... Efforts for up scaling of improve management practices : Pulses - (i) Efforts for increasing area under bund cultivation & intercropping. (ii) Thrust on timely weed control & sprinkler irrigation. Research for evolving new varieties. Rice -Suitable for different agro-ecological situations, specially for rainfed condition and stem borer resistant variety. Minor Millets-High yielding variety of minor millets. Pulses - Early maturing gram variety - Yellow mosaic resistant variety of moong. 14 Particular Area under Line sowing Area under SRI Method Area under Hybrid Variety Rice Area under Rice Transplantation Area under Inter Cropping Area under Bund Cultivation Unit : in 000' ha. Promotion for application of chemical fertilizers / micro nutrients / soil ameliorants based on soil test report.