Creating Products for Consumers in Global Markets Chapter 12 Creating Products for Consumers in Global Markets
Brand Strategies Global Brands National Brands Global/National Brand Mix Private Brands
Products and Culture Cultural Influences Innovative Products and Adaptation Diffusion of Innovations Degree of Newness Characteristics of Innovations
Degree of Newness Congruent Innovations Continuous Innovation Dynamically Continuous Innovation Discontinuous Innovation
Characteristics of Innovations Relative Advantage Compatibility Complexity Trialability Observability
Product Components Core Component Packaging Component Support Services Component
Product Component Model SUPPORT SERVICES COMPONENT PACKAGING COMPONENT Repair and maintenance Deliveries CORE COMPONENT Trademark Price Product platform Design features Functional features Legal Installation Warranty Quality Brand name Package Instructions Spare parts Legal Styling Other related services Legal
Factors Influencing Product Adaptation vs. Standardization Stage in Product Life Cycle Legal/Standards Constraints Product Innovativeness Cultural Differences
Would They Sell in the United States? Alu-Fanny: French Foil wrap Crapsy Fruit: French cereal Kum Onit: German pencil sharpeners Plopp: Scandinavian chocolate Pschitt: French lemonade Atum Bom: Portuguese tuna Kack: Danish sweets Mukk: Italian yogurt Pocari Sweat: Japanese sport drink Poo: Argentine curry powder