What’s new and important about the Road Map? No UN-prescribed calendar months, to closely align UNDAF with the national processes No UN-prescribed mechanisms (example, no JSM) More flexibility Remember: Do not underestimate the time needed for the common programming process. Road Map
What’s new and important about the Country Analysis? Flexibility to summarize findings from recent up-to-date data sources and analytical processes Remember: Strong country analysis is more likely to lead to a strong UNDAF and ultimately strong agency programming. Country Analysis
What’s new and important in Strategic Planning? One Outcome level only Simplified Results Matrix that integrates the M&E Framework Option to keep UNDAF at strategic outcome level (there are two options for developing your Results Matrix) Strategic Planning
What’s new and important about M&E? Annual review is mandatory (must be documented) One progress report per cycle (frequency determined by UNCT). Mid-term reviews not necessary. Flexibility: Align annual review with national review. Link UNDAF evaluation with national evaluations; modalities flexible. M&E