Number Talks
WHY? Promotes early number sense Fosters mental math Develops strategies to understand and solve harder math problems Increases math vocabulary Gets students EXCITED about math
Teacher's Role Facilitator of problems Write answers and strategies on board Plan for day's number talks Be sure Number talks only lasts 5-10 minutes ***Set a timer at first
Where do I start? Using your Number Talks book, start at least one year below your grade level. Be prepared with all manipulatives. Be Patient! Get ready to be AMAZED!
Signals "I have an answer": Student places thumb at chest for ONE idea, they will add a finger for each new idea. "I have the same answer as......": Student will put their thumb and pinky up and move their hand back and forth pointing their thumb at themselves and their pinky at the person with the same answer.
Classroom Culture
4 Easy Steps to prepare 1. Find a location that allows for close proximity to your students for informal observations and interactions. 2. Provide appropriate WAIT TIME for majority of students to solve the problem. 3. ACCEPT, RESPECT, and CONSIDER all answers. 4. Encourage student communication.
Four Goals for K-2 1. Developing number sense 2. Developing fluency with small numbers 3. Subitizing 4. Making tens
Fluency Focus
Grades 2-5 Category KEY Category 1 represents introductory number talks that more readily encourage a specific strategy. Category 2 talks are crafted for students who are successfully using the selected strategy. Category 3 provides opportunities for students to use and extend the targeted strategy.
Category 1: Two addends that make a quick ten Making Ten
Category 1 : using compensation as a strategy for basic facts… Addition: Compensation
Category 2 : using compensation as a strategy for basic facts… Addition: Compensation
Goals for Third-Fifth Grades 1. Number sense 2. Place value 3. Fluency 4. Properties 5. Connecting mathematical ideas
Category 1 build knowledge from one problem to the next Making Landmark OR Friendly Numbers
Skill Focus
Category 2 use relationships from the sequence to solve the final 1 X 3 digit problem Making Landmark Or Friendly Numbers
Check Out the Number Talks Tab Each K-5 Livebinder has additional resources for the classroom teacher. Also check out these resources: Barb Tyre's site