Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) Welcome to Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) Step 7 Orders Production
The Seven Steps of the MDMP Receipt of Mission Mission Analysis Course of Action Development Course of Action Analysis (War-Game) Course of Action Comparison Course of Action Approval Orders Production
Military Decision Making Process Input Output • Mission received from higher HQ or deduced by the Commander and staff •Higher HQ order/plan/IPB •Staff estimates •Facts & assumptions Restated mission •Cdr’s intent & planning guidance •CCIR •Staff estimates & products •Enemy COAs •Refined Cdr’s planning guidance •Friendly COAs •Staff/BOS COAs Wargame results • Established criteria for comparison Decision Matrix •Approved COA Receipt of Mission Commander’s initial guidance WARNO to staff Initial IPB products Cdr’s Intent Restated mission Initial CCIR Updated staff estimates/products Preliminary movement Cdr’s planning guidance Initial ISR plan Updated staff estimates COA statements and sketches Refine Cdr’s planning guidance Wargame results * Decisions support templates * Task Organization Mission to subordinate units Decision matrix Approve COA Refine Cdr’s intent and guidance Refine CCIR OPLAN/OPORD WARNO #1 Mission Analysis WARNO #2 Course of Action Development Course of Action Analysis (War-Game) Course of Action Comparison Course of Action Approval WARNO #3 Orders Production Note 1: A star ( ) depicts Commander activities and decisions. Note 2: Rehearsals and backbriefs occur during preparation and ensure an orderly transition between planning and execution. Preparation Plan Prepare Assess Execution Execute
Step 7: Orders Production Process Translate into Plan / Order Incorporate Branches and Sequels Establish Risk Controls Synchronize Plan / Order Input Approved COA Output OPORD/OPLAN
OPORD / OPLAN Development Guidelines / Characteristics Address critical facts and assumptions Authoritative expression Positive expression Avoiding unqualified directives Balance Simplicity Be concise Clarity Completeness Coordination Flexibility Clear, concise mission intent statements Centralized planning Decentralized execution Use of existing resources Timeliness This ends the Planning Process
Operation Order Copy __ of __ Copies Issuing headquarters Operations ORDER #__ Place of issue References: Date/time group of signature 1. SITUATION Message reference no. a. Enemy forces. b. Friendly forces. (1) Mission (2) Commander’s Intent c. Attachments and detachments. 2. MISSION 3. EXECUTION Intent (when available). a. Concept of operation (when available). Assembly area locations (If applicable, when available). b. Tasks to maneuver units (when available). (1) Reconnaissance. (2) Surveillance (3) Security c. Tasks to combat support units (when available). d. Coordinating instructions. (1) Earliest movement time and degree of notice. (2) Orders group meeting (attendees, location, and time) (when applicable). 4. SERVICE SUPPORT a. Special equipment. b. Transportation. 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL ACKNOWLEDGE: NAME (Commander’s last name) OFFICIAL: RANK (Commander’s rank) ANNEXES: DISTRIBUTION:
Annexes Annex A (Task Organization) Annex B (Intelligence) Annex C (Operation Overlay) Annex D (Fire Support) Annex E (Rules of Engagement) Annex F (Engineer) Annex G (Air Defense) Annex H (Command, Control, Communication and Computer Operations) Annex I (Service Support) Annex J (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Operations) Annex K (Special Security) Annex L (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) Annex M (Rear Area and Base Security) Annex N (Airspace Command and Control) Annex O (Information Operations) Annex P (Civil-Military Operations) Annex Q (Public Affairs) SMFM 101-5-2 page 5-21
Military Decision Making Process Input Output • Mission received from higher HQ or deduced by the Commander and staff •Higher HQ order/plan/IPB •Staff estimates •Facts & assumptions Restated mission •Cdr’s intent & planning guidance •CCIR •Staff estimates & products •Enemy COAs •Refined Cdr’s planning guidance •Friendly COAs •Staff/BOS COAs Wargame results • Established criteria for comparison Decision Matrix •Approved COA Receipt of Mission Commander’s initial guidance WARNO to staff Initial IPB products Cdr’s Intent Restated mission Initial CCIR Updated staff estimates/products Preliminary movement Cdr’s planning guidance Initial ISR plan Updated staff estimates COA statements and sketches Refine Cdr’s planning guidance Wargame results * Decisions support templates * Task Organization Mission to subordinate units Decision matrix Approve COA Refine Cdr’s intent and guidance Refine CCIR OPLAN/OPORD WARNO #1 Mission Analysis WARNO #2 Course of Action Development Course of Action Analysis (War-Game) Course of Action Comparison MDMP, organizes the commander and his staff by following established procedures. for analyzing a mission, developing, analyzing and comparing courses of action which lead to mission accomplishment. Available time to plan dictates level of detail the staffs can devote to MDMP planning and product/deliverable production. The advantage of using this process: MDMP analyzes and compares multiple friendly and enemy COAs to determine the best possible friendly COA. MDMP produces the greatest coordination and synchronization in plans and orders. MDMP minimizes the chance of overlooking critical aspects of the operation, serves as a framework or checklist). MDMP helps identify contingencies for branch and sequel operations development. Course of Action Approval WARNO #3 Orders Production Note 1: A star ( ) depicts Commander activities and decisions. Note 2: Rehearsals and backbriefs occur during preparation and ensure an orderly transition between planning and execution. Preparation Plan Prepare Assess Execution Execute