1962 First set of 4 fundamental rights
Right to Safety Products must not endanger consumer’s lives or health
Right to Safety Responsible to use products safely. Consumers must follow the manufacturer’s instructions
Right to Be Informed Businesses must provide accurate information in advertising, labeling, and sales practices.
Right to Be Informed Consumers should use information to evaluate product choices Food labels, misleading advertising
Right to Choose Consumers should have a variety of goods and services from which to choose.
Right to Choose Consumers should take advantage of product variety by considering many options and making rational choices.
The Right to Be Heard Government must consider consumer interests when creating laws.
The Right to Be Heard Responsible to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Inform elected officials their opinions on consumer issues and inform them of improper business practices.
The Right to Redress Consumers should be able to obtain fair remedies to consumer problems
The Right to Redress Seek Redress Consumers should inform businesses of product defects and unfair practices. Consumer should pursue remedies
Right to Consumer Education Sufficient information should be available consumers to make rational decisions.
Right to Consumer Education Responsible to be an educated Consumer Take advantage of opportunities to gather information and learn how to make a rational buying decisions, and the best value for you money.
Right to Healthy Environment Contribute to a Healthy Environment Consumers should support business that operate responsibly and report abuse to authorities.
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