Mayan Calendar By Oliver Thode
History Stela - carved stone monuments Read from top to bottom Symbolic picture glyphs The Mayans were the first to keep any sort of historical record, and the beginnings of the calendar were born. The Mayans used stelae, or stone monuments, to carve their civil events, calendars and astronomy knowledge. They also inscribed their religious beliefs and mythology on pottery. While they weren't the first civilization to ever use a calendar, they did devise four separate calendars that lasted for discrete time periods. Depending on their needs, the Mayans used different calendars or some combination of two calendars to record each event.
Theory 1: Agricultural The number of days between planting and harvest is about 260.
Theory 2: Biological The length of time between conception and birth
Theory 3: Geographical 15° parallel 260 days sun to reach its zenith
Theory 4: Mathematical Base 20 numbering system Number of digits 13 appears
The starting point August 13, 3114 BC calendar starts at 4 Ahau 8 Kumku or… August 13, 3114 BC The Maya set a fixed date to initiate their calendric calculations. This date is 4 Ahau 8 Kumku which in the Gregorian calendar used today corresponds to August 13, 3114 BC Stelae
Four Calendar System Tzolk'in Haab Long Count Calendar Round combines twenty day names with the thirteen numbers of the trecena cycle to produce 260 unique days,
Extent of Use They lived in a place called Mesoamerica Mayans originated in a region called Mesoamerica, or “Middle America” between Mexico and South America,
Month 18 months 20 days in a month
Numbering System
Tzolk'in- The Sacred Round Made of 20 names, glyphs, and 13 tones The beginning of the Tzolk'in calendar begins with the first day name, Imix', and the number one. The days continue in sequence, with the second day being a combination of Ik' and the number two; the day names and numbers combine in sequence until all 13 tones are used
Haab very similar to the Gregorian calendar based on the cycle of the sun 360 days long
Long Count tracks a period of 5,125.36 years called a Great Cycle The Mayans designed the Long Count calendar to last approximately 5,125.36 years, a time period they referred to as the Great Cycle. The Long Count calendar is divided into 5 units
5 Spirit Days Five "nameless days" the wayeb Believed the gods rested, leaving Earth unprotected. The Mayans performed ceremonies and rituals during the wayeb, hoping that the gods would return once again
Thompson Correlation Dresden Codex
We won’t die They have wrongly predicted the world’s end many times
Quiz 1. A Uinal is, A. 20 days, B. A warrior, or C. 144000 2. The Calendar began on A. 12/21/12 BCE, B. 9/13/14 BC, C. 9/20/00 BC 3. This presentation was, A. awesome, B. unbelievably wicked, C. life-changing
Quiz answers 1. How long is a Uinal? A. 20 days 2. When did the Mayan calendar start? B. 9/13/14 BC 3. Was this presentation Awesome, Unbelievably Wicked, or Life-Changing D. All of the above
A special thanks to… You Me Yo Moi Mir Mulle