1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 10
2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Chapters 1-3 of this epistle established the central role of the church in heaven’s “mystery” of salvation. Chapters 4-6 are intended to stress the serious obligations of its members at Ephesus and elsewhere to live their daily lives so as to enhance the world’s appreciation of God’s manifold wisdom shown in the church.
3 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Another word prominent in these chapters is “walk.” Chapter 4 ended with the exhortation for Christians to “put off” bad behaviors and to “put on” practices that are fitting for the “new man.”
4 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk In Love... Walk in love, because love is a pervasive quality of God’s essence: “God is love” (1John 4:8). The sacrifice of Christ in the place of sinners otherwise doomed to an eternal death is by far the greatest expression of love ever witnessed in this world. The Christian’s walk is the expression of his love for God, love that responds to the goodness of God toward him.
5 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk In Love... “Walking as the Gentiles walked” was not “fitting for saints”... FornicationUncleanness CovetousnessFilthiness Foolish talkingCoarse Jesting
6 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk In Love... The new man will “put off” all the above-named sins and will fill his heart instead with thanksgiving. Those who practice such sins as listed above have “no inheritance” in the kingdom of Christ and God.
7 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk In Love... We cannot know who might have been trying to deceive the Ephesians into thinking that righteous walking was not crucial to salvation. No right-thinking Christian would allow himself to be seduced into participating in these evil practices.
8 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk in Light... “Light” is truth and righteousness; “darkness” is ignorance, error, and ungodliness. Christians are “light” in the Lord when they serve Him as “light bearers,” messengers of gospel truth to the lost. The Holy Spirit was the Revelator of the “light” in which the saints should walk.
9 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk in Light... Paul’s contention is that there is no longer any excuse for men to live in the darkness of sin.
10 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk in Wisdom... Continuing his theme of “walking worthy of their calling,” Paul urges the disciples to walk “circumspectly” as wise men and not as fools.
11 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk in Wisdom... The Christian must walk: a. Accurately b. Carefully c. Looking About d. In Wisdom
12 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk in Wisdom... The use of opportunity is a key factor in “wise” walking. The only way men can be wise is to understand God’s will. The Christian chooses to be “filled with the Spirit,” because conforming to the Spirit’s precepts will “build him up” and strengthen him in the “inner man.”
13 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Five... Verses The Church - God’s Righteous Walkers Walk in Wisdom... Being “filled with the Spirit” always results in good fruit. a. A mind filled with thoughts of God b. A heart filled with thanksgiving for God’s blessings c. A will subjected to God’s will