The City School Liaquat Campus Abdul Sami khan Preps Teacher [Mathematics] March 2011-April 2011
Polygons Introduction Introduction Types of Polygons Types of Polygons Conclusion Conclusion
Introduction Polygon: Poly means many and gon means angles, so a polygon is a closed figure in which three or more then three angles are there. Polygon: Poly means many and gon means angles, so a polygon is a closed figure in which three or more then three angles are there.
Types of Polygons There are many types of polygons some are as under: There are many types of polygons some are as under: Triangle: A closed figure having three sides and three angles. Triangle: A closed figure having three sides and three angles. Quadrilateral: A closed figure having four angles and four sides. Quadrilateral: A closed figure having four angles and four sides. Pentagon: A closed figure having five angles and five sides. Pentagon: A closed figure having five angles and five sides. Hexagon: A closed figure having six angles and six sides. Hexagon: A closed figure having six angles and six sides. Heptagon: A closed figure having seven angles and seven sides. Heptagon: A closed figure having seven angles and seven sides.
Conclusion The number of angles represent the polygon name. E.g. (Pentagon) Penta represent the five and so on. The number of angles represent the polygon name. E.g. (Pentagon) Penta represent the five and so on. After Decagon (10 angles figure) polygon name can be represent like 11-gon, 12-gon.. After Decagon (10 angles figure) polygon name can be represent like 11-gon, 12-gon..