March 24 高中进阶版 P1
Pre-reading P2P2 Have you ever been misled by any advertisement to buy a product? Share your story with the whole class. What is false advertising? How can we prevent companies from issuing false advertisements? advertisement reality
While-reading P3P3 2. What did the Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce think of Crest’s false advertising? 1. Why was Crest fined almost $1 million? It misled consumers about the effectiveness of the toothpaste. Answer the following questions. Because the content of an advertisement for its toothpaste was false.
While-reading P4P4 4. What does the author think is the goal of fining companies for false advertising? One of the companies he previously worked for altered his resume without his consent for the company’s own marketing purposes. Answer the following questions. It is to prevent other companies from issuing false advertisements. 3. What was the author’s own experience of false advertising?
While-reading P5P5 1.In the United States, companies should ______ for their false advertising if they don’t want to be fined. A. appear in court B. apologize to the public C. correct their false advertisements D. enhance their products Choose the best answer.
While-reading P6P6 2. What is the author’s attitude toward the severe punishment on Crest? A. It is just. B. It is unfair. C. It is deceptive. D. It is ineffective. Choose the best answer.
While-reading P7P7 3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this article? A. The fine Crest received was the largest fine for a false advertisement in China’s history. B. No domestic companies are guilty of false advertising and punished by the government. C. The author thought Crest deserved to be punished because it used false advertising to mislead consumers. D. False advertising is not very common in China so that it should not be severely punished. Choose the best answer.
Language study P8P8 本句中, “ could have + 过去分词 ” 表示本可以做但 并未做某事。 It could have just asked the company to retract or correct the advertisement. 这一结构也可以表示对过去情况的推测,例如: 医生告诉他,这种病可能是由于长年在烟雾环境中 工作所致。 Doctors told him the disease could have been caused by years of working in smoky environments.
Language study P9P9 “ might have + 过去分词 ” 常用来推测过去实际上存在 的可能性。 e.g. 你可能把钥匙掉在别的地方了。 You might have dropped your keys somewhere else. What about other modal verbs? *“could/might have + 过去分词 ” 有时可以表示责备的语 气,例如: 他即使再忙也该给你更多的帮助。 He could/might have given you more help, even though he was busy.
Language study P10 What about other modal verbs? “ should/ought to have + 过去分词 ” 表示过去本应该做而未做的 事。 e.g. You should/ought to have warned me of the difficulty earlier.
Language study P11 1.Seeing the crosses the teacher had put after many of the sentences on the test paper, I didn’t understand how I __________ made so many mistakes. 2.Often, when he __________ been doing something that was given him, he wasted his time drawing pictures. 3.You __________ sent it to my old address. I moved to another part of the city last year. could have shoul d have might have
Language study P12 Word bank Proctor and Gamble, an international consumer goods manufacturer, was recently fined almost $1 million for the content of an advertisement for one of its toothpaste brands, Crest. fine v. 处以罚款 fine sb./sth. for sth./doing sth. e.g. The company was fined 200,000 yuan for breaching safety regulations.
Language study P13 Word bank The advertisement, which featured Taiwanese actress Xu Xidi showing off a gleaming smile, was digitally doctored to artificially enhance the whiteness of her teeth. show off 炫耀,卖弄 e.g. One of my colleagues is always showing off the importance of his job.
Language study P14 Word bank The Federal Trade Commission forces firms to either cease advertising or produce corrective advertising and publicly apologize for misleading claims. apologize v. 道歉,认错 apologize to sb. for sth. e.g. We apologize for the late departure of this flight.
Language study P15 1.The fact is that most people __________ far more protein than they actually need. 2.Can you give a more precise __________ of the word? 3.The Park Hotel has a well __________ reputation in Shanghai. 4.She has feelings of __________ about leaving her children and going to work. 5.Are you suffering from a(n) __________ of stress in your life? 6.Teachers always judge their students on the final __________. Complete each sentence with the proper form of the given words. consu me excessivedefineguiltyexaminedeserveconsumer defin ition dese rved gu il t ex ce ss examin ation
After-reading P16 Watch Crest’s false advertising and redesign an advertisement for the toothpaste. Group work
After-reading P17 Questions for further What is the purpose of making advertisements? Can an advertisement be appealing and authentic at the same time?