The Human Body System Molly Quinn
The Circulatory System The circularity system is made up of the heart, blood, blood vessels, veins, capillaries, and arteries. There are trillions of cells in your body that all need food. The circularity system transports food and oxygen that the cells need. This system also take away waste. Your veins and arteries go throughout your whole, entire body.
Functions of the heart Your heart’s main purpose is to pump blood through the body, and into the heart. This keeps you alive. Even when your sleeping, your heart is still working hard. Your heart is a muscle, and is about the size of your clenched-up fist. Did you know that your heart may beat up to 30 million times a year!? This is what you heart looks like
Functions of the blood vessels There are 2 different types of blood vessels, your veins and your arteries. Your veins carry blood from the cells to the heart, and arteries carry blood from the heart to the cells. Veins have openings called valves. The valves open in only one direction, keeping blood flowing in only one direction. Arteries don’t have valves.
The Skeletal System The skeletal system is made up of hundreds of bones. An adult has 206 bones to be exact. You’d be a big floppy pile of jelly if you didn’t have bones. In fact, your bones do more than just give your body shape, they also protect other things in your body such as your lungs and heart. Your muscles attach to your bones. There are 3 types of joints: hinge joints, sliding joints, and ball socket.
Joints There are 3 types of joints: hinge joints, gliding joints, and ball socket. Hinge joints can move only one way such as the elbows and knees. Gliding joints slide over each other as they move, some examples are the bones in the wrist and foot. Ball and socket joints allow free movement, you can move it easily. Shoulders and hips are types of ball and socket joints. If you are double jointed, it means you have extra long ligaments.
Cool facts about the skeletal system A giraffe has the same number of neck bones as humans? Their neck vertebrae are just much longer! Your hand has more bones than your face! Your femur bone is the longest bone in your body, it’s about ¼ of your height. About 97% of all living things don’t have backbones. Your bones are alive!
The respiratory system The respiratory system is made up of your lungs, wind pipe, and diaphragm. When you inhale, the wind goes past your nasal passages, where the air is moistened, heated, and filtered then goes into your lungs. Your lungs grow larger, and larger, creating space for more oxygen. When you exhale, all the CO2 (carbon dioxide) leaves your body, but keeps the oxygen in. When we eat, a flap called epiglottis comes down and covers your wind pipe so food doesn’t end up in it! Make sure you don’t suddenly breath in when you have food in your mouth, other wise you might choke!!!
Cool facts about the respiratory system You breath in 13 pints of air every minute! Your lungs contain over 300 million alveoli and almost 1,500miles of air ways!
The Digestive System The digestive system’s main organs are the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine. All working together to help you digest food. Lets say you take a big bite of a steamy piece of pizza, it just doesn’t end up in your stomach, and then goes out of your body. It has a whole journey to got through before it’s finished. I wonder were this goes?
Where your food goes As soon as that pizza hits your mouth, you start to chew. While your chewing, saliva starts to spew out a helps it turn into a big mushy pile of pizza. Then you swallow. The pizza starts to go down your esophagus, it may take about 10 seconds for the food to end up in your stomach. In the stomach the pizza goes, sloshing around in your stomach. Digestive chemicals start to mix with the mush. After nearly 3-4 hours, the pizza gets pushed into the small intestine. It takes 3 hours for the food to go through he small intestine. THEN it gets pushed into the large intestine. The pizza mush is now smaller, drier, and harder. After that the mush reaches the end of the journey...... and… well…… you know what happens after that!
Cool facts about the digestive system Your intestines are at least 25ft long in an adult! A full grown horses intestines are 89ft long! Your digestive system may handle about 50 tons in your lifetime! Us Americans eat over 2,000,000,000 pounds of chocolate a year! Americans consume 700,000,000 pounds of peanut butter a year!
The Nervous System Ouch! That bee sting hurt! That’s the nervous system at work. Without this system, you wouldn’t be able to feel anything. That may sound fun (think about not feeling a bee sting), but at the same time, you need it (you couldn’t feel your pet dog when you touch him). The nervous system is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and series of nerves. Your nervous system is the control center of your entire body! What are nerves? Nerves are thin threads of nerve cells bundled together.
What the nervous system does The nervous system controls your whole entire body. If you were to touch a frog, the cells in your fingers would send a message to the brain that the frog feels cool and wet. In order for the brain to get the message, feeling has to go through the nerves and up to your brain. You should be thankful that you have this system, life wouldn’t be as much fun if you couldn’t touch and feel so many different things! These little frogs feel cool and wet!!!
References 0008.html Most of the clipart is from
Bye!!! Hope you had a good time learning about the human body systems!