The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station (ISS) Maria Ionica I.N.F.N. Perugia International School of Cosmic-Ray Astrophysics 13 th Course: Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology 2-14 June, 2002, Erice
Outline Physics objectives of the AMS experiment AMS-01 on the space Shuttle Discovery in 1998 Results obtained with AMS-01 from the STS-91 flight The Silicon Tracker for the AMS-02 experiment on the ISS
AMS - a particle physics experiment in space Existence of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in our region of the Universe This asymmetry could be explained assuming one of the following scenarios: The asymmetry is assumed as an initial condition The Universe can be globally symmetric, but locally asymmetric A dynamic mechanism which caused the asymmetry, starting from an initial symmetric phase (CP violation, GUT) due to the limited energy which can be reached at accelerators, these problems can only be studied by performing very accurate measurement of the composition of CR The AMS experiment is using the Universe as the ultimate laboratory.
AMS physics goals To search for Nuclear Antimatter (antiHe,antiC) in space with a sensitivity ( better than current limits). To search for supersymmetric Dark Matter by high statistics, precision measurements of e , and p - spectrum. To study Astrophysics: High statistics, precision measurements of D, 3 He, 4 He, B, C, 9 Be, 10 Be spectrum B/C: to understand CR propagation in the Galaxy (parameters of galactic wind). 10 Be/ 9 Be: to determine CR confinement time in the Galaxy.
Anti-nuclei in cosmic radiation Researches for evidence of antimatter in CR have been carried out before AMS only by stratospheric balloons If the antimatter exists it could be at the level of the clusters of galaxies Anti-protons and positrons are not good indicators for existence of nuclear antimatter: they can be produced by the interaction of the primary cosmic rays with the interstellar medium; The probability to have an antinucleus produced in primary interactions is less less than for anti 3 He and less than for antiC: “discovery of only one nucleus of antiC, would be the proof of the existence of antimatter in Universe”. (Steigman.G, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 14 (1976)339)
AMS-01 on Discovery during STS-91 Flight
AMS01 detector Magnet: Nd 2 Fe 14 B, BL 2 = 0.15 TM 2 T.o.F: Four planes of scintillators; and Z measurements, up/down separation Tracker: Six planes of ds silicon detectors; Charge sign, dE/dX up to Z=8, Rigidity (p/Z) Anticounters: Veto stray trajectories and bckgnd particles from magnet walls Aerogel Threshold Čerenkov: measurements (1 3 GeV/c) for better e/p separation Low Energy Particle Shielding (LEPS): Carbon fibre, shield from low energy (<5MeV) particles
AMS deintegration at CERN: Silicon Tracker on assembly jig
AMS Silicon Detectors on the Automatic testing facilty (Perugia)
AMS silicon tracker module
AMS Silicon Tracker plane equipped with Silicon Ladders (STS-91)
AMS-01- STS-91 Flight Results It was a successful flight !! Detector test in actual space conditions Good performance of all subsystems Physics results: Antimatter search Charged cosmic ray spectra (p,e ,D,He,C,N,O) Geomagnetic effects on cosmic ray
New limit on antiHe
Event reconstruction Measure Rigidity (R, R1, R2) Sign of Rigidity Absolute value of Z Velocity ( ) Apply cuts Test antiHe hypothesis Compute limit
AMS-01 STS-91 Flight Physics Results (1)
RESULTS on Primary Cosmic Ray Spectra
Electron data
Energy Range of AMS on ISS p + up to several TeV p - up to 200 GeV e - up to O(TeV) e + up to 200 GeV He,….C up to several TeV anti – He…C up to O(TeV) up to 100 GeV Light Isotopes up to 20 GeV
AMS-02 Tracker (1) Coordinated by INFN Perugia in collaboration with University of Geneva, University of Aachen, University of Turku and NLR. Aim: Rigidity (P/Ze) measurements Sign of Charge Absolute Charge (dE/dX, in addition to ToF system) Tracker detector based on 8 thin layers of double-sided silicon microstrips, with a spatial resolution better than 10 m, electronics channel and 800 W of power. This complex detector, qualified for operation in space, with about 6 m 2 of active surface will be the largest ever built before the CERN.
AMS-02 Tracker (2) Operating Temperature: -10/+25 °C Power Dissipation inside the magnet: 1 W/ladder, in total 192 ladders dP/P = 2 1 GeV ( 8% in AMS-01) (for protons) The planes alignment will be monitored by a IR laser alignment system (as in case of AMS-01).
AMS-02 Tracker (3) (from AMS-01)
Sensitivity of future CR experiments
Conclusions AMS-01 has successfully been tested during STS-91 flight providing important information on operating in actual space conditions AMS-01 data allows to study the primary and trapped CR fluxes in the energy range from 100 MeV to about 100 GeV AMS-02 will extend the accurate measurements of CR spectra to unexplored TeV region opening a new window for the search for Antimatter and Darkmatter.
AMS-02 on ISS