1.1 Plant and Animal Cells
DISCOVERY OF THE CELL Invention of the microscope in the 1600s allowed scientists to view cells Cells were first described by ROBERT HOOKE in 1663 Cells were first studied using the light microscope but detailed information came from the ELECTRON MICROSCOPE
PROPERTIES OF THE CELL Cells: o Are the basic building block of life o Takes nutrients from its environment and releases waste o Divide to make copies of itself o Contains everything for its own survival
CELL PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS What do you remember about the cell?
CELL PARTS IN ANIMAL AND PLANT CELLS CELL MEMBRANE: forms a protective barrier around the cell o Made of a double layer of lipids/fats o Selectively permeable o Move substances via diffusion (high to low concentration) CYTOPLASM: jelly-like substance that fills the cell and surrounds the organelles o Contains nutrients required by the cell to carry out life functions
CELL PARTS IN ANIMAL AND PLANT CELLS NUCLEUS: The control centre of the cell o Surrounded by a nuclear envelope o Nuclear envelope contains pores to allow transport of materials o Contains a nucleolus o Contains cell’s DNA that is bound to proteins o CONDENSED DNA: Chromosomes; UNCONDENSED DNA: Chromatin VACUOLES AND VESICLES: Membrane-bound organelles that store nutrients, wastes, and other substances used by the cell o Allows for turgor pressure in plant cells
MITOCHONDRIA: supply energy to the cell o Convert chemical energy in sugar into energy the cell can use LYSOSOMES: small organelles filled with digestive enzymes o Allow for breakdown of bacteria and damaged cell organlles
CELL PARTS IN ANIMAL AND PLANT CELLS GOLGI APPARATUS: modifies, sorts, and packages proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to be delivered throughout the cell ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: made of interconnected small tubes that carry materials through the cell o ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: Covered with ribosomes that are used to make proteins o SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: produces fats and oils
CYTOSKELETON: an internal network of fibres made of protein filaments that maintain the cell’s shape
CELL PARTS IN PLANT CELLS ONLY CELL WALL: A rigid frame around the cell that provides strength, protection and support CHLOROPLAST: contain a green pigment called chlorophyll that captures the sun’s energy o Used to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen via PHOTOSYNTHESIS o Made of tiny sacs called THYLAKOIDS that stack together to form GRANUM o Filled with a thick fluid called STROMA
ANIMAL vs. PLANT CELL ANIMAL CELLPLANT CELL Cellular respiration Many small vesicles Store energy in the form of glycogen (carbohydrate) or lipids (fats) Have specialized compounds (Ex. Hemoglobin in RBCs) Contain centrioles which are involved in cell division Photosynthesis using chlorophyll in the chloroplast 1 large central vacuole Store energy as starch or oil Lack specialized compounds Lack centrioles