Challenge X Topic Go to the site for a worked example:
Master Challenge Outline A ‘Big Question’ written in conversational tone – E.g. “Why is it so hard for middle school students to pay attention?” 100-word mini-narrative about a situation where this content is relevant Provocative photo or video Agent
Resources Intro An introduction to the ‘narrative’ or ‘themes’ related to the topic – E.g. “Motivation can be broken into three concepts that neuroscience can help us understand: engagement, interactivity, and agency.”
Resource Theme 1 3 Priming questions answered by your text 150 words max text (not including voiceover or other text for avatars) 1 video resource from Youtube or DVD
Resource Theme 2 3 Priming questions answered by your text 150 words max text (not including voiceover or other text for avatars) 1 video resource from Youtube or DVD
Resource Theme 3 3 Priming questions answered by your text 150 words max text (not including voiceover or other text for avatars) 1 video resource from Youtube or DVD