Anti-Giver Community By: Lettie Williams, Karen Forman, and Meghan O’Rourke
Reasons to live in our community Animals Freedom Individuality Love Choices
Animals Relieved beaches residents are anxious to thank a local dog for thawing a shooting spree The man lives across the street from a park at Queens St. E. and Victoria Pk, where unknown dog was playing Wednesday when it had a chance encounter with a man who had allegedly been contemplating a shooting spree. “The dog defiantly deserves some kudos and so does the owner for raising such a loving animal.” said Allan Mestel age 41 The man lives across the street from a park at Queens St. E. and Victoria Pk, where unknown dog was playing Wednesday when it had a chance encounter with a man who had allegedly been contemplating a shooting spree. “The dog defiantly deserves some kudos and so does the owner for raising such a loving animal.” said Allan Mestel age 41 If you are thinking of moving to the Giver Community, then think again. This community has banned many things and one of the things this civilization has excluded from it’s daily life is animals. In this article a local Toronto dog saved many lives by stopping a shooting spree. In conclusion, animals do more than cuddling and giving companionship, they save our lives on a regular basis. Although the animals don’t know it, the are a huge part of our lives and we could not live without them.
Individuality “Instead of letting someone label you, hold fast to your ideas and have conviction in them if you feel that they are right. And if you share one value with a liberal or conservative, feel free to disagree with them on the next one. I believe that everyone knows the best way to govern their own lives, and I think it is a travesty when political groups, the media and churches try to dictate those choices for you. So basically what I am saying is, be an individual!. I find this issue important because the more we are labeled, the easier it is to lose our identity. My solution to this problem is simple: we just need to stand up for ourselves.” In this article by Ryan Phillips, it is stating that individuality is important. In the Giver community, there is not any individuality, everyone is the same. Individuality is important because what fun would it be to live in a community where everyone is just like you, whether it’s what they are wearing, their beliefs, etc. Individuality means everyone has special characteristics that everyone else has, and they are different in some ways. However, this does not mean that nobody has anything in common. Come to our community, it’s better. Be different, and more importantly, be yourself, not “one of them.”
Choices The article written by CCH states…”choices are important at Children’s Country House. Children in our program are introduced to learning experiences that allow them to work at their own pace to gain the reading and math readiness skills they will need to achieve success in both public and private elementary schools. A wide variety of supervised activities allows students to choose between individual or group projects. The goal of our program is to channel vitality, not suppress it”. This article states that choices are very important in a community. It is saying that the children are allowed to make their own choice in how fast they want to work and learn the material.. If the children are allowed to make their own choice about this it will help them along in life by letting them know that they are allowed to make the best choices in life and that they are allowed to speak for what they want. This is one example of why choices in our society are important.
Conclusion In conclusion you need to come to the Giver community! In our community we have loving animals, the right to do whatever we want, differences that make us who we are, the love of a real family, and the right to make our own decisions. So you should defiantly come to our community and boycott the Giver community.
Bibliography Ingersoll,Robert.Individuality.Online. html/ December 6, html/ html/ The choices program. Choices for the 21 st century. Online. December 6, Puppy, Princess. Amazing Animal Stories Online. December 6, 2005