Document Analysis Machiavelli 1513 Florence, Italy Machiavelli worked for the Medici’s. Italy is in the height of the Renaissance; new art, writing in the vernacular Rulers of any sort To tell rulers how to be better rulers Do great things, set examples, use war to your advantage, keep people busy so they don’t know what you are doing, choose the lesser of 2 evils, princes are better than everyone else Able to write in the vernacular to reach more people, need better, stronger rulers than the ones we have now
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Northern Renaissance Gutenberg Johannes Gutenberg German Created a printing press that made it possible to produce books quickly and cheaply Shakespeare British playwright
What was the Protestant Reformation? A religious movement that began in the 16 th century wanted to reform the church John Wycliffe Brit Early dissident of the Catholic Church during the 14 th century Lollards John Huss Student of Wycliffe, pushed for people being allowed to read the bible in the vernacular Hussites
Causes of the Reformation Social Renaissance values of humanism and secularism -> people question the Church Printing press helped spread ideas critical of the Church easily and cheaply Political Powerful monarchs (perhaps ones that took Machiavelli’s advice to heart?) challenge the Church as supreme power Leaders view the pope as a foreign ruler and challenge his authority.
Causes of the Reformation Economic European monarchs were jealous of the Church’s wealth People resent having to pay taxes to the Church Religious Church leaders were becoming worldly and corrupt People didn’t like the sale of indulgences
Indulgences Indulgence: a pardon releasing a person from punishments due for a sin Sin -> confess -> priest gives penalty -> forgiven G-d reserves the right to judge, but Tetzel gave people the impression that by buying an indulgence, you could buy your way into heaven "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, / The soul at once into Heaven springs."
Church Beliefs 7 Sacraments Baptism Eucharist Reconciliation Confirmation Marriage Holy Orders Anointing the Sick Accept Jesus as your lord and savior Transubstantiation Bread and blood become the actual blood and body of Christ
Christian Humanism New movement called, devotio moderna, “modern devotion” in the Netherlands cultivates idea that lay Christians can act in the manner of monks and nuns Devotio Moderna spreads throughout Northern Europe Northern Humanists study early Christian manuscripts and writing of the early church fathers Erasmus of Rotterdam considered the “Prince of Humanists” criticizes the Church and Christians who mindlessly follow dogma He calls for a return to the basic teachings of Christ
95 Theses
Martin Luther ( ) German His parents wanted him to become a lawyer, but he became a monk He wanted to be a good Christian A doctor of theology at the University of Wittenberg, Germany, Luther argues that faith alone saves the human sinner
Luther Luther did not like the sale of indulgences He wrote 95 formal statements, attacking the “pardon- merchants” such as Tetzel In 1517, he nails his 95 Theses, which confront the church and call for reform, on the door of the Wittenberg cathedral Someone copied Luther’s 95 Theses and took them to the printer. These actions began the Reformation
Luther’s Teaching Salvation by faith not faith and “good works” All Church teachings should clearly based on the words of the Bible Pope and Church traditions are false authorities. All people with faith were equal, so you don’t need priests to interpret the Bible for them.
Response to Luther The Pope threatens Luther with excommunication unless Luther recants (takes back his statements) Excommunication – the taking away of a person’s right to membership in the Church The Holy Roman Emperor objects Charles V is a devout Catholic and doesn’t like what Luther is saying either. German states are a part of the HRE 1521 Charles orders Luther to stand trial Luther refuses to recant
“I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of G-d. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may G-d help me. Amen.”
Results Charles declares Luther a outlaw and heretic It is illegal for anyone to give Luther food or shelter Frederick the Wise of Saxony does it anyway, hiding Luther in a castle for a year While in hiding Luther translates the New Testament into the Vernacular In 1512 Luther gives up trying to reform the Church and creates his own religious group, Lutherans
Peasants’ Revolt 1524 German peasants get caught up in the reforms going on and call for an end to serfdom They go around the countryside raiding monasteries, pillaging, and burning. Luther was horrified by the revolt and denounced the peasants In turn, the peasants rejected Luther
Warring German States Many German Princes supported Luther because it gave them ultimate authority, not the Pope 1529 – Catholic princes joined with the Pope to fight Luther Princes that supported Luther signed a protest against it, thus becoming known as Protestants This term goes on to apply to any non Catholic Christian.
Warring German States Charles V went to war against the Protestant princes and beat them However, he could not force them back into the Church Peace of Augsburg – 1555 Whose realm, his religion Cuius regio, eius religio