Developing web-based CPD for group work and argumentation in science Session 2: Developing Argumentation 12/01/12
Objectives To share and reflect on learning from the school- based tasks To consider the processes involved in planning argumentation activities To apply these processes to develop an activity to use in your school To consider issues related to the CPD website design To reflect on the project so far and plan the next steps for your development and that of colleagues at school.
Outcomes Increased confidence in planning for argumentation in teaching and learning Lesson plans for argumentation activities Ideas to inform the website design Plans for the sustainability of the project in schools.
Gap Task To plan an argumentation activity and your role in each aspect of it To plan a series of prompts to support you in your role
Sharing and reflecting on the school based task Complete the proforma to help you structure your feedback to each other Share in twos Feed back to whole group THINK – PAIR - SHARE
Feed back discussion activity Topic Nature of activity Group work strategy Your role in each part of the lesson What the children did Successes in terms of activity, strategy and your role What could have been better in terms of activity, strategy and your role Your learning How and what you disseminated to other teachers.
Analysing activities In a pair, study the argumentation resource you have been given. With a specific class of children in mind, suggest: When you would use it Suitable learning objectives and outcomes How you might differentiate it What scientific knowledge and skills the children need to carry out the activity How you would organise it (Group work and your role) How you would assess the children’s learning A task outcome How you would evaluate the lesson.
Presenting your ideas to the group Prepare a poster to share your ideas with the other groups.
Comparing lesson plans In pairs, consider the lesson outline you have been given for the same activity Compare and contrast with the one you have produced What are the reasons for the differences? If you came across a resource like this, how would you adapt it for your class? Be prepared to feed back your ideas to the group.
Designing an argumentation lesson For a topic you will be teaching this term or early next year, design a lesson using all of the ideas we have discussed today and in the previous sessions. Share your ideas with the group and explain how you will embed this into your existing planning for this topic.
Planning for sustainability What are your next steps to further develop your argumentation skills? How will you disseminate your learning with other colleagues? What are your plans to ensure work on argumentation is sustained in your school or department and that resources are embedded in planning?